Chapter 12

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A plan was made for the weekend. Kirishima will be with you after Bakugou left, then Mina, Sero and Kaminari come and hang out with you. When night comes, all three will leave and Bakugou should be back before you go to sleep. That was the plan anyway.

You woke up in the morning to find yourself in bed alone. Freaking out, you jolted out of bed, running to the door, only to hear hushed voices, making you calm when you recognized them. The bag by the door, reminded you that Bakugou was going to his mom's, your heart sank a little, but you shook it off and pressed your ear to the door.

"She's still asleep." Bakugou said in a slightly annoyed voice. "Remember not to freak her out and not be too loud. Also, remind those idiots to not overwhelm her."

"Okay, just chill Bakugou." Kirishima chuckled from outside the door.

The door opened and you fell forward, landing in Bakugou's chest, his arms wrapping around your waist quickly. You fixed yourself and stood up, backing up into the room to keep from being seen by Shoji.

"Do you have to go?" You mumble, looking at the floor as Bakugou came into the room, Kirishima coming in as well.

"If I don't then that old hag will come here." He answered, making you look up at him. "If she sees you, shes going to start screeching and get all of the nerds rush up here. You don't need a panic attack."

You nod your head in understanding, looking at the bag beside the door.

"Thought you said you were going to be here by night fall." You mumbled again, looking into his crimson eyes.

"I am." He reassured, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "I'll see you tonight, okay?"

You nod, hugging Bakugou and clutched onto his shirt, Kirishima acting he wasn't paying attention as the blonde's face went a little pink before he hugged back.

"See you later Wolfy." He smirked, making you hit his chest in slight annoyance from the nickname.

He had recently started calling you Wolfy, Fluff Ball and Pup. They annoyed you a little, but they cheered you up after being alone, so you didn't really complain except to mess with him a little. You finally let go of him, watching him as he waved to Kirishima and walked out the door, but not before giving you a final glance. Sighing, you go to the closet and got a pair of sweats and Bakugou's favorite shirt that he left in his closet.

"Hey (y/n)." Kirishima smiled, getting your attention from the closet, seeing him raise up two controllers. "Want to play a game?"

The night before, Kaminari moved his game system into the room so that you guys could play games so you wouldn't be to bored. Nodding your head, you went to the bathroom and changed, smiling as you looked at the black shirt that Bakugou doesn't allow you to wear. It went past your thighs and was soft and had the spicy scent of the explosive blonde. Stepping out, you find Kirishima with the game system ready, offering a small smile to him before sitting down. He knew that were wearing Bakugou's favorite shirt, but he didn't want to take it from you, so he said nothing about.

Taking the controller, you guys play a couple games for a few hours, only stopping so Kirishima could get breakfast for you both. By noon, a knock came from the door and Kirishima jumped to open it while you instinctively shifted and ran under the bed.

"Hey Mina." Kirishima said in a happy voice, making you poke your head out from under the bed. "Where's Sero and Denki?"

"They went to get lunch." She smiled, walking into the room, allowing you to relax and come out from under the bed.

"Well, just remember not to overwhelm (Y/n), and everything should be fine." Kirishima smiled as Mina came toward you and sat down next to you, excitement clear in her eyes. "I need to go. Bye (Y/n)."

He waved before walking out of the room, Mina scratching behind your ear before noticing the paused game.

"Want to play a few rounds before the guys get here?" She asked, you nodding your head and shifted, her eyes widening along with a smile. "Isn't that Bakugou's shirt?"

"Yeah." You say simply, grabbing your controller.

"He let's you wear them?" Mina questioned, clearly gushing over all of this.

"All but this one." You smile to yourself, imagining his reaction when he gets back.

"Then why are you wearing it?" She pushed, getting closer to you and making you back away a little.

"He can't stop me when he's not here, and I always wanted to wear it." You answer, starting to get uncomfortable.

"Why?" She asked excitedly, her smile to wide for you.

"Can we just get to the game?" You try to change the subject, earning a pout, but she still took the other controller and began to play.

You never had used a game system before, and Kirishima was nice enough to go easy on you since you were still learning the controls, but Mina wasn't holding back. You came close to beating her, but she pulled a special move and you were killed instantly. A growl escaped your throat, only to have a loud knock pull you from your frustration and shift into your wolf form, rushing under the bed.

"Room service." A familiar voice called, allowing you to relax and come out from under the bed, Mina opening the door.

Kaminari was holding two bags of take-out, while Sero stood behind him, holding a few drinks. Mina let them in, Denki setting the food on the floor before coming toward you, still smiling as he sat next to you and stroked your fur.

"Remember not to over whelm her guys." Mina said in a stern voice, though she was being playful, grabbing her drink.

"Yeah, yeah." Denki waved her off, Sero sitting on the floor and opened the take-out. "Hey (Y/n), why don't you turn back so we can talk?"

You were planning on shifting anyway to eat, so you did as he asked, grabbing the new food in front of you and opened it. You were met with steam and noodles, your stomach growling by the smell and you took you chopsticks and began to eat. You noticed it was too quiet, so you looked up to see Denki and Sero staring at you, Mina eating like nothing was going on.

"What?" You asked between bites, uncomfortable about their silence and stares.

"Isn't that Bakugou's shirt?" Sero asked, taking his own food and began to eat.

You nod, receiving similar questions from them that you already heard from Mina, so you ignored them and focused on your food. You soon finish and stretch, shifting back into your wolf form and jumped onto the bed, staring out the window and wished the day would go by faster.

(I shall grant this wish with a time skip)

Mina went back to her dorm early, Kaminari having to also leave to do homework he had forgotten to do, leaving you with Sero. You liked Sero, since he seemed mostly calm and somewhat rational, though he was kind of boring compared to Kaminari and Mina. The sun was setting and Sero was playing a game with you, until the power suddenly went out, a collective yell from the entire dorm making you jump.

"Kaminari!" Every boy and girl within the building either yelled or groaned, even Sero groaning it before getting up from the floor.

"I'll be back in a bit." He said, walking out of the room and into the hall blindly.

Going under the bed, you waited, curling up in a warm blanket and watching the door, wanting Bakugou to come back. About two hours passed before the lights came back on, allowing you to relax a little and come out from under the bed. Jumping onto it, you saw the dark sky outside and sighed, wondering where Bakugou went, your eyes growing heavy as you stare out the window before you finally slip into sleep.

Broken Wolf (Bakugou x wolf!reader)Where stories live. Discover now