Chapter 31

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I'm so sorry! I haven't been feeling well, and I keep forgetting  to update with school starting back up. I present a screenshot of  Explosion Boy himself!

Now, to the story!

The thoughts got worse. They were like a stampede running through your head.

It's all out of pity. He's never said he loves you. If you were any weaker, he would dump you. You don't deserve him or the life you have. He'll leave. Your going to get caught and brought back to what you were, and he's not going to save you this time.

Thoughts like this and more came crashing through your mind, and you tried to fight them off, to push them away, but they always came back. You would find yourself crying at night while you were alone to ponder, the thoughts of him leaving you crushing. It took you a good hour before you calmed down enough to remind yourself that that wasn't going to happen. The thoughts were consuming, but went away as soon as he embraced you or kissed you, only returning when you were alone and vulnerable.

Tonight, you were outside to get fresh air when the thoughts attacked, suffocating you with their constant reminders and taunts. The lies sounded real to you, the thoughts turning into the voices of your past owners, echoing in your head, saying how worthless you were. Trying to calm yourself down, you walk around the building, trying to get rid of the thoughts, but they just kept coming, memories resurfacing and pulled you down into its tight hold.

"(Y/n)?" A distant voice asked, breaking the thoughts and making them dissipate to taunting whispers. "What are you doing out here?"

Turning around, you saw Bakugou coming toward you, something warm going down your cheek and you quickly realize that you were crying. Wiping it away, you turned around and smiled, trying to hide the fact that you were having a mental breakdown.

"I just came out for a bit of fresh air." You told him, gazing at the blonde before looking away.

"Are you sure?" He asked, concern lining his voice. "I heard you telling something to stop when I came out here."

"I was just talking to myself." You mumble, looking up at the stars that began to gather over head.

An explosion went off and it made you jump, looking up to find that Bakugou had an annoyed look on his face.

"Like hell!" He snarled, stepping closer to you, concern in his eyes, but anger heavy in his voice. "What the hell is going on with you? You've started avoiding me and stopped talking. What is going on?"

"I'm just... thinking." You said, only find that wasn't the best way to put it.

"What? That I'm not good enough for you?" He growled, making you look up at him, surprised by his words. "I scare you too much to be around me? I act too much like a villain? Is that what your thinking?!"

"No, no it's not that." You quickly try to cover.

"Then what the hell is it?" He almost yelled, his own insecurities getting to him. "Damn it! (Y/n), I love you, but I can't have this shit! I need to know what is going on with you."

"It's just.... wait." You processed what he said and your cheeks flushed. "Did you say you love me?"

"Isn't it obvious." He huffed, sticking his hands in his pockets, a light pink dusting his cheeks. "I love you. Alright? I understand if you don't feel the same toward me."

"I love you too Katsuki!" You almost squeal, the thoughts dissipating into nothing, no longer going to return to haunt your every waking moment.

A small smile broke out on Bakugou's face, watching as you lit up almost instantly, his heart swelling. Getting closer, he pulled you into a hug, which you gratefully leaned into, his smile growing as you nuzzle into his chest.

"I love you so much, dumb ass." He smirked, pulling away to lift your chin so he could gaze into your eyes. "Don't pull shit like this again. Just tell me whats bothering you."

"Okay." You mumble, smiling widely, never wanting to let go.

He brought you closer and kissed you, the kiss sealing your love and washed all doubts from both of your minds. It felt like a million fireworks were going off in your stomach, smiling in the kiss as you wrap your arms around his neck. Burying your hands in his surprisingly soft, blonde, spiky hair, you made him deepen the kiss, feeling his calloused hand slide up and through your own hair.

"Yes." Mina whispered from the slightly opened door to the dorms, unheard by you and Bakugou.

"There so cute!" Hagakure squealed, trying to be as quite as she could so as not to interrupt the moment.

"Bakugou is so manly." Kirishima said, a tear forming in his eyes as he held his fist up.

"Do you think that he will get to-" Mineta wondered aloud, only to be silenced by Tsu slapping him.

"How come a hothead like him gets a girl?" Kaminari and Sero sigh in unison.

"Interesting. Usually Kacchan doesn't express his emotions so openly." Izuku mumbled, watching from a window. "Is it that (Y/n) has changed him. It is possible for others to change so that they can be accepted by who they are around..."

"Get away from that door!" Iida yelled, waving his arms around in dismay. "We must respect the privacy of our fellow classmates! Spying on them is utterly disgraceful!"

Mina had to be almost dragged away by Kirishima to get away from the door, then from the window, protesting by saying that she couldn't miss this. You two were left alone, but you couldn't care less if the entire world was watching. Right now, it was only you and Katsuki, the world becoming a blur around both of you. Breaking to breath, you gaze up into Katsuki's crimson eyes, the blonde smiling and chuckled.

"Your too damn cute, (Y/n)." He smirked, before pulling you into another kiss.

"I could say the same for you." You joke before his lips pressed against yours and you again, melted into sweet bliss.

Hello! This is the end of the story. There is no more to put into it, and I don't want to drag people on thinking there is going to be more. Thank you for reading and I'm sorry if this last chapter was a little cheesy. Anyway, feel free to check out some of my other stories.

Happy Valentines day.

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