Chapter 5

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I don't know what Katsuki's room looks like, but I always picture a room with a couple posters and a punching bag with Izuku's face or something, with a few random piles of clothes, but it's not super messy, just a little unkept. You can have it look like whatever you like, I just imagine it like this.

You woke up to someone yelling.

You woke up with a jolt, expecting to be in a rusty cage or chained to a blood stained wall, your 'master' coming into the room, drunk or angry and beat you to vent. It surprised you to find that you were on a soft bed, in a slightly unkept room that looked like it belonged to a teenage boy.

The clothes on your body felt different, and the collar was no longer around your neck, making you even more confused.Memories of the day before came to you and you relaxed a little until you heard the yelling again, yelping and almost felling off the bed.

"Shitty Hair! I told you not to go into my room!" Bakugou's familiar voice came through the door and you panicked.

"But Baku-bro." Another male voice whined, the doorknob turning and you sat, frozen in fear on the bed. "You said that I could study with you in your room today."

"Well I change my mind!" Bakugou yelled, allowing you to snap out of your panic and you quickly got out of his bed and slid underneath it, just in time.

"I left my crocs in here last time too, so I still need to go in your room." The voice admitted as the door opened, you shrinking further back, your arm bumping into something and you turned your head.


A pair of red crocs were under the bed next to your arm, your heart pounding hard as a pair of feet made their way to the bed. In panic, you shifted, the clothes you were wearing seeping into your skin as a part of your quirk, and you backed up into the shadows of the bed.

"Get out of here, shitty hair!" Bakugou yelled, but the approaching male ignored him.

"Not until I get my crocs, bro." You watch as a boy with red, spiky hair bent down and looked under the bed, his red eyes missing you as they focused on the crocs. "Their they are."

He grabbed them and your heart stopped when he touched your tail, that was resting beside the crocs. A confused and curious look crossed his face as he touched your tail again, before picking it up, and you instinctively pulled your tail to your side. Before he could get under the bed, he was roughly yanked back, his crocs flying out of his hand and landed in the hall.

"There are your stupid crocs, now leave weird hair!" Bakugou yelled, trying to block his view of you from him.

"Okay, jeez, man chill." The red head sweat dropped, glancing at the bed briefly before standing up, hands in front of him. "I'm leaving, okay? Just chill."

You watched as he backed out of the room, Bakugou slamming the door after he left and you relaxed a little, only to tense when the blonde came toward you. He sat down about two feet from the bed and bent down, looking at you as you stayed against the wall, keeping your guard up as you expected him to yell at you for almost getting caught. After a minute of just staring, you hesitantly crawled out from under the bed, your ears pinned back and your tail between your legs as you come toward Bakugou.

Doing what you were taught, you sat in front of him, head low and whimpered slightly, expecting him to hurt you. He raised his hand toward you and you flinched, closing your eyes and waiting for him to backhand you, only to feel him gently scratch behind your ear. You opened your eyes and looked his crimson ones, your (e/c) eyes watching him cautiously before you relaxed.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said in what he hoped was a soft voice, bringing his hand back when you perked up a little. "Why don't you shift back? Your not a dog, even if your quirk allows you to be one. You've been in this form long enough, you need to be a human."

Hesitantly, you shifted, looking at Bakugou as you shifted to see that he was staring at you in wonder, but that quickly went away with a shake of his head. He was about to speak when the door to his room opened, making you panic and shift, jumping forward and pressed your head onto Bakugou's chest, laying down on his lap.

"No fair, you get to have a dog?" The red head complained, shutting the door behind him.

"Get out of here idiot." Bakugou growled, glaring at him, but didn't get up, knowing that would frighten you more.

"Did Aizawa allow you to have it?" He asked innocently, ignoring the warning from the blonde and sat on the floor next to him.

"She's not an it." Bakugou hissed, but still didn't move except to gently run his hand through you black fur. "Leave now shitty hair, before I throw you out the window."

"What's her name?" Clearly he took all of Bakugou's threats as bluffs, making you peek out from the chest you had pushed your head on.

A soft, kind smile came from him, and your tailed waved a little as you urged yourself to sit up, looking at the floor. Bakugou tsked, annoyed and scratched behind your ear, making you relax.

"(Y/n). Now leave." Bakugou ordered, glaring at the shark toothed boy.

"Not until you tell me how you found her." He pushed, reaching out to touch you, only for you to pull back, whimpering.

He stopped his hand just a bit from you and waited, your eyes darting from his sharp, toothy smile to Bakugou's annoyed look, but he looked like he trusted the red head. You hesitantly came closer to his hand and pushed your snout against it, allowing him to run his fingers through your fur.

"Guess there's no point in trying to cover it up." Bakugou muttered, irritated. "I'll tell you later. Now could you just leave."

"Fine." The shark tooth boy sighed, standing up and began to leave the room. "And don't worry. I'll keep your secret. I mean, what are friends for?"

Bakugou glared at him before looking back at you, your head lowering again as you waited to be scolded after the door to the room closed. Instead of doing that, he just continued to gently stroke your fur, surprising you a little with how gently he was.

"That was Kirishima." Bakugou explained, sighing in annoyance, but he still kept himself calm. "Could you shift back?"

You nodded and obeyed, shifting into your human form and Bakugou watched with the same wonder as before. You awkwardly backed up, finding that you were a lot closer to him then before and looked at the floor as your sat cross legged.

"He seemed nice." You said in a soft, mostly quiet voice, not looking up from the floor.

"He's an idiot." Bakugou commented before standing up and offering you his hand. "Aizawa said getting a second bed in here would cause suspicion, so well have to sleep in the same bed. You pick which side you want and I'll take the other."

Thank you to those who voted and commented. They motivate me to work on this more, so please comment. You don't have to vote, but I would like to know what you think of the story so far, so please comment. Maybe a few pointers since this is my first bnha fanfic.

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