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A sudden noise caused me to look over my shoulder. Rick stood there with new clothes and a face protector.

"Morgan wants us to come outside," Rick told me.

I nodded my head and followed him out the door. Rick grabbed a baseball bat before leaving the house.

"Remember, it has to be the brain." Morgan reminded us.

When we got outside, we saw a walker sitting down. The walker stood up and growled when it heard us. Rick rushed towards it and used the bat to bash its head in. Somewhere in the beating, Rick's mask had fallen off. Once the walker was dead, Rick hunched down, out of breath.

"You all right?" Morgan asked Rick.

"I need a moment," Rick said, breathing in deeply.

Once Rick regained his breath, we walked down the street to Rick's house. Rick went inside and searched the house for any sign of where his family might have gone.

I hope Daryl is okay during all of this.

'Rick is my primary concern but I will keep my promise. I will check in on Daryl every chance I get; that is if I am able to find him.'

"My wife, my son, they're alive. At least, they were when they left." Rick spoke up.

"How do you know? By the look of this place..." Morgan said and looked at the house.

The house was indeed in terrible shape. There was no way someone could have stayed here for long.

"I found a empty drawer in the bedroom. They packed some clothes, not a lot but enough to travel." Rick explained.

"You know anybody could've broken in here and stolen them clothes, right?" Morgan countered.

Then Rick pointed to the walls which were bare.

"You see the framed photos on the walls?" Rick asked.

I shook my head.

"Neither do I. Some random thief take those too you think? Our photo albums, family pictures all gon." Rick said.

Morgan chuckled.

"Photo albums." He spoke. "My wife... same thing. There I am packing survival gear, she's packing photo albums."

"They're in Atlanta, I bet." Duane suddenly spoke.

"That's right." Morgan agreed. "Refugee center. Huge one, they said, before the broadcast stopped. Military protection, food, shelter. They told people to go there, said it'd be safest."

Daryl has to be there. No matter how much he doesn't like people, he'd go there to survive.

"Plus they got that disease place," Duane added.

"The Center for Disease Control, CDC, said they were working out how to solve this thing," Morgan said.

Rick went over to a cupboard and picked up some keys. They were the keys to the police department.

"There are showers in there. They should have hot water." Rick said when we got to the police department.

"For real?" Duane asked, visibly excited.

"Yeah, they have their own propane system," Rick explained.

Rick looked over at me.

"Since you're the only girl, I think you should go first," Rick said. "I don't know if you'd be comfortable with us in there."

I furrowed my eyebrows a little.

'What is a shower?'

Just go with it and I'll explain it to you.

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