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Daryl POV

I had to step out of the room so I could calm myself down. My friend is lying there dying and her only hope just admitted that he ain't a real doctor. I don't understand why the Angel can't just heal herself if she's able to heal others. After calming myself down enough, I went back into the room. Rick was still sitting there, afraid to leave since she needed his blood. We sat in silence, seeing as I still was not over him leaving my brother on a roof.

It felt like hours passed since Shane left with the other man. They should've been back by now. Hershel entered into the room, gaining my attention. He looked over (y/n) before looking back to us.

"Pressure's dropping again. We can't wait much longer." He said,

"Take some more. Whatever she needs." Rick said, offering his blood. "Then I'm gonna go."

I looked up at Rick, not saying anything. If he wanted to run out into uncertainty, let him.

"He said five miles. They should be long back by now." Rick said as if the man didn't know. "Something's gone wrong. If something happened, I have to go."

"You're in no condition to do anything about it. You've given too much blood. You're barely on your feet. You wouldn't make it across the yard." Hershel tried to tell Rick."

"I can't just sit here."

Getting tired of the back and forth, I spoke up.

"That's exactly what you're going to do. She has protected you since the beginning of this thing. The least you could do is sit here and wait to see if she needs more blood." I said my piece.

Rick and Hershel both looked at me, almost shocked that I had spoken up. Rick nodded his head and sat back in his chair. Hershel nodded to me in thanks.

Rick had left with Hershel to catch the group up to speed and to get something to eat. I still sat beside (y/n)'s bed, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, (y/n) began to cough before slowly opening her eyes.

"Where are we?" She asked with a scratchy voice.

"A man named Hershel's. You were shot." I told her.

"It hurts, a lot." She said, "Sophia?"

"She's safe and with her momma. Her and Carl are waitin' to see ya." I told her.

She nodded her head weakly in understanding.

"Why ain't ya healin' yerself?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"The bullet is still in my vessel. I'll heal... once it..." She trailed off.

Her trailing off caught my attention. I looked at her and saw that she was shaking uncontrollably. I tried to hold her down but it didn't seem to work.

"Hershel!" I called out.

Both he and Rick rushed into the room to see what was wrong.

"What's happening?" Rick asked once he saw (y/n) shaking.

"It's a seizure. If you hold her down, you could hurt her." Hershel told us.

"You can't stop it?" I asked.

"She has to just go through it," Hershel told us. "Her brain isn't getting enough blood. Her pressure is bottoming. She needs another transfusion."

"Okay, I'm ready," Rick said.

"If I take any more out of you, your body could shut down. You could go into a coma or cardiac arrest." Hershel tried to warn him.

"You're wasting time," was all Rick had to say.

A while later, Shane and Otis had yet to return. (Y/n) was still losing blood and was slowly dying on one of Hershel's beds. Hershel had to stop Rick from giving more blood for his own safety. It seemed like we were running out of time.

"She's still losing blood faster than we can replace it. And with the swelling in her abdomen, we can't wait any longer or she's just going to slip away." Hershel explained to Rick and me, who never seemed to leave the room. "Now I need to know right now if you want me to do this because I think that girl is out of time. You have to make a choice."

"A choice? You have to tell me what it is." Rick said.

"We do it," I spoke up.

I had to try anything that could help this Angel. Not only is my friend still in that body but having an Angel in the group is a great thing. Hershel gathered some of his people to help him.

"Okay, get the corner of that bed. Let's get the sheets down everybody. Get the IV bag on the sheet." Hershel ordered his people around. "Okay, on three. One, two, three."

The group lifted (y/n)'s body and put it down on a table.

"Rick, Daryl, you may want to step out," Hershel told us.

The sound of a truck engine caught our attention.

"Oh god!" Rick said.

Rick and I ran outside to greet Shane and Otis. It seemed the rest of the group was there too. Everyone was invested in saving (y/n).

"(Y/n)?" Shane asked.

"There's still a chance," I told him.

"Otis?" Hershel asked Shane.

Shane solemnly shook his head.


"We say nothing to Patricia. Not till after. I need her." Hershel told our group.

"They kept blocking us at every turn. We had nothing left. We were down to ten rounds. Then he said... he said he'd cover me and that I should keep going. So that's what I did. I just... I kept going. But I... I looked back and he... I tried." Shane told us.

I squinted my eyes at Shane's story. Otis was gonna cover him yet Shane came back with Rick's gun. Something ain't quite addin' up.

"He wanted to make it right." Rick consoled his friend.

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