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Sophia POV

I couldn't help but scream as I watched (y/n)'s body hit the ground. Her eyes were closed and blood poured from her stomach. While freaking out, I didn't notice a man come out of the bushes.

"Oh my God." The man gasped, gaining my attention.

"Please, you have to help her!" I cried.

"There's a farm with someone that'll be able to help." He said and lifted (y/n)'s limp body. "Another half-mile that way. We have to talk to Hershel. He'll help your mom."

In my panic, I didn't think about correcting him. Right at this moment, I wanted to get help for (y/n). She found me and helped me, so I have to return the favor. The man picked (y/n) up and began to run to said farm. Unfortunately, my foot began to hurt again.

"Can you keep up?" He asked.

Ignoring my pain, I nodded my head and continued running.

After what seemed like forever, I could see the farm that this man was talking about.

"Dad!" A girl yelled once she saw (y/n).

An older man came towards us.

"Was she bit?" He asked the man.

I shook my head even though he wasn't looking at me.

"Shot." The man said. "I didn't see her. The bullet went right through the deer and into her."

"Otis." A woman tried to comfort him.

"Please help her." I finally spoke up.

It was then that the family seemed to notice my presence. The older man, I'm guessing Hershel, led us into his house.

"Get her inside. Patricia, I need my full kit. Maggie, painkillers, coagulates- grab everything. Clean towels, sheets, alcohol. In here. Pillowcase." Hershel ordered.

"Is she alive?" I asked while Otis took the pillowcase from him.

"Pillowcase, quick," Hershel ordered him, ignoring me.

"Is she alive?" I asked again.

"Fold it. Make a pad. Put pressure on the wound." Hershel instructed Otis. "I've got a heartbeat. It's faint."

"I got it, step back," Patricia told her husband, I think.

I stood back and watched as everyone seemed to go in every direction. This is my fault, I thought. If I would've listened to Rick, we wouldn't have been out there in the first place.

"Maggie, IV."

"We need some space." Maggie said.

"I was tracking a buck. Bullet went through it." Otis felt the need to explain.

"Went clean through. The deer slowed the bullet down, which certainly saved her life. But it did not go through clean. It broke up into pieces. If I get the bullet fragments out... and I'm counting six.

Tears filled my eyes. This was it. (Y/n) was going to die because of me. Hershel seemed to notice my sadness.

"Your name?" Hershel asked me, trying to calm me down.

"I'm Sophia."

"Sophia, you know her blood type?" He asked.

Blood type? Besides red? I shook my head no to his question. Hershel sighed.

"That's okay. We're gonna do everything we can to help your mom."

"She's not my mom." I corrected him. "I ran away from our group and (y/n) was the one who found me."

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