Untitled Part 23

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I put this in my book about facts but I felt the need to put it in my other books as well.

It is obliviously apparent that our legal system isn't exactly what it was meant to be. The legal system isn't supposed to discriminate against anyone. It was meant to be the everyone faces the same laws and the same treatment, but that's not what it turned out to be. Instead of being fair and just, police are becoming somewhat 'untouchable' by the law.

◼️In 2019, the police killed 1,099 people.

◼️From 2013 to 2019, 99% of the killings haven't resulted in the officers actually being charged for their crimes.

Another thing that is wrong with our legal system is that it will involve racism.

◼️African Americans are 3 times more likely to be killed by police than white people.

◼️In 2015, police killed over 100 unarmed African Americans.

◼️Also in 2015, unarmed African Americans were killed 5 times the rate of unarmed white people.

And it doesn't stop there. It continues on in the courtrooms. That's because our 'impartial juries' aren't impartial at all. Jurors are regular people; they have a bias just like everyone else. Jurors pick punishments just based on how the guilty party looks.

◼️One study showed that juries are more likely to recommend more lenient punishments to defendants that they find attractive.

◼️Juries will actually find defendants guilty less often if the defendant is wearing glasses, which has earned it the name the 'nerd defense'.

◼️Because there are many damaging stereotypes about African Americans (like linking them to crime), jurors will assign African Americans to longer sentences because they automatically see them as more of a threat.

◼️There has been research that suggests that juries even penalize black defendants based on their skin tone.

◼️ African Americans with the darkest skin are the most likely to receive the death penalty.

In all honestly, this needs to be stopped. There is absolutely no justifiable way that an unarmed black man should be killed by police. There is absolutely no justifiable way that a police officer should get away with blatant murder. As a country that preaches 'justice for all', we need to start enacting that. There is no justice for those who have been unrightfully killed by police. And there is no justice for the family of the victims. 

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