Chapter 1

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Previously on Football girl:

"I promise to never forget the times on the field. The blood. sweat. tears. The fights. Tackles. The love we have for each other. When some of us leave for the ride in front of us. We will never forget them. This field in our home." We all say together.

"Jordan." Couch says to me. I walk into the middle of the circle.

"You guys know this is my last year here. It's crazy to think I'm not going to be a high school football devil anymore. I love you guys so much. Your my family. I have a brother but to me, You are more of a brother to me then him. I'll always have the good and bad times in my mind forever. We will always be family. Only some will leave and some will come. But that doesn't mean we are not a family anymore when one leaves. I'm proud to be Manchester Devil. Because of you." I say. Everyone looks at me. "I bet your waiting for me to cry." I hold the football shiny in my hands.

I walk over to Jackson and pull him into the middle of the circle. I grab the winning football and put it to the ground. He kicks it through the goal post. We all cheer. We all say goodbye to one another and go to our cars. I get into Jay's truck and Jay gets in too. I smile at him. Ill always be a Manchester devil.


Jay and me go back the apartment and I sit the shiny football on the dresser. I smile.

"I'm so proud of you." Jay says.

"I'm proud of you too." I say.

"How." he asks

"You won too." I say and kiss him.

"I guess." He says blushing. Fall break is in two week! Meaning two weeks with Jay! I lay on the bed that we got a cover and sheets for a few days ago. I get under the covers with my clothes still one. I am wearing what I normally wear to bed.

"Are we going to look for a couch or chairs tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yup if you want. I think it's stupid they didn't give us one is the first place." Jay says.

"It's a nice place though." I say and yawn.

Jay gets under the covers with me and he's cold.

"Is something wrong?" I ask. He's always warm. He coughs. I put the back of my hand on his forehead. it's burning hot. I wrap my arms around him and He puts his head in my neck. He sneeze. Jay has the flu.

When he fall asleep I stay awake so I can check on him. Jay awakes up and runs out of the room. I follow him into the bathroom he gets sick before he can get to the toilet.

"Sorry." He says and looks at the ground like a little kid.

"It's ok, ill clean it up. Just sit by the toilet." I say. I clean it up. I feel so bad for him. I told him to get that flu shot. Its not even flu season though.

Jay lays in bed all of Saturday. I bring him soup and he smiles at me. He puckers his lips like he wants me to kiss him.

"Your sick!" I say and giggle.

"Darn." He says. "You should feed me." He says.

"Nice try little boy. Not happening." I say and walk out of the room. I clean up around the apartment then there's a knock on the door. Finally she's here. I open the door and here's Jay's mom. "thank you for coming I just don't know what to do!" I say. She nods and walks into the bedroom.

"Mom? what are you doing here?" He asks.

"Jordan called me." She says and does the same thing I did last night with her hand.

"But I wanted to play doctor with Jordan!" Jay whines. I feel like slapping him. I would if his mom wasn't here.

"I'm guessing not like you and her did as a kid?" She says putting it more of a question.

"Sort of different." Jay says. He looks at me and winks. I look away and blush.

"Where have you been to get this cold?" Mrs. Connors says. I'm so glad she was a nurse for 8 years.

"Just here, my job, football, and I went to dinner with Jordan's mom and step-father." I already told her about finding my mom.

"I think you have the flu. I don't Jordan should be sleeping in bed with you till your over this or she mite get it too. That also means, No kissing or sex." She says.

"What if we haven't had sex yet?" Jay asks.

"I'm not stupid Jason." She says and stands up. I blush.

"Thanks." I say her his mom and give her a hug.

"Anything for my baby and you." She says. I lead her to the door but ask if I can talk to her in the hall. She nods. We step out into the hall and I shut the door.

"I found out a few years ago I can't have kids. My mom did drugs and it messed me up. Jay really wants a baby. Shocking, I do too. Don't freak out but we tried but it came back negative." I say.

"Oh Jordan." She says and brings me in a hug.

"I just want to give Jay what he wants!" I say and sniff.

"You are what he wants. A baby would just make him a little happier."

"Is there away I can get something done so I can have kids?" I ask.

"I don't know sweetheart. Call your doctor and ask her." She says.

"Thank you so much." I say and hug her.

"Your welcome." She says. She leaves and I go back inside. I shut and lock the door. Jay is up.

"Why are you up?" I ask.

"You really think I'm going to stay in that bed for another 5 hours?" He says. I need to talk to Jay about this.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I ask.

"Sure." He says and coughs. I sit on the kitchen counter and he raises his eyebrow.

"What do you think about me maybe getting something done so I can have kids?" I ask.

"Wait? Like surgery?" He asks.

"Yes like surgery." I say.

"I guess it's up to you. But don't do this because of me please." He says.

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