Chapter 4

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The house is full of people. I freeze. Jay pulls me inside and I hug his mom and Michael.

"Who is this?" I hear a man say. I turn around and a man and woman look at me.

"Oh, Jordan." Jay says. "my girlfriend." He holds my hand.

"Oh." The woman says. I hear a lot of "I'm Jay's bla bla bla" the first few minutes.

"Oh Jason! You forgot this." His mom says to Jay and hands him a notebook.

"Oh thanks." He says. I sit on the couch and a little girl walks over to me.

"Hi!" She says and giggles.

"Hi." I say and smile.

"I'm Josey." She says.

"Jordan." I say.

"I've never seen you before." She says.

"I'm Jason's girlfriend."

"Oh, I kind of have a crush on him.

"How old are you?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"11." she says.

"Oh." I say.

"Lets go talk to him." I say and take her hand. I find Jay and He sees us.

"Hey Josey." He says.

"Hi." She whispers and they hug.

"We should have stayed home." Jay whispers in my ear. he grabs my hand and takes me to his old room. we open in and see the bed which still has blankets on them. Jay closes and locks the door.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper. He sits on the bed and holds out his arms. I sit on his lap and he lays back on the bed. We cuddle there.

"We should be out there with your family." I say.

"My family? this is the first time I've seen them since Christmas." He snaps. I trace triangles on his chest.

"Sorry I asked."

"You shouldn't be sorry." He says. He kisses me hard on the lips. I kiss him back.

"I'd rather eat you than a stupid turkey." I blush and turn over so we are chest to chest. He starts to take off my shirt. I stop him.

"I'm on my period." I say. He growls.

"Stupid fucking periods. them Motherfuckers." He swears. I giggle at him.

"We can still kiss right?" Jay says.

"Yes." He kisses me again harder this time. I kiss him back the same way. We have a full make-out session on his bed. I pull on his hair and he does the same. He starts to suck on my tongue. I moan. The door opens. I break the kiss and look at the door. Michael.

"Mom wants you guys for dinner." He says.

"Fine." Jay says. I stand up and fix my clothes.

"Your so lucky your my brother." Jay says giving him a dirty look.

"You should have locked the door better." Michael said. "at lest lock it!"

"I thought you locked it." I say to Jay when we head for the kitchen.

"Me too." He says. We walk into the little kitchen. Only his mom is on there.

"Where did everyone go?" Jay asks.

"I burned all the food." His mom says an sits in a kitchen chair.

"Oh." Jay says.

"Hey don't you guys come to our apartment and ill make something." I say. by the time we get to the apartment we only have 2 hours till Nolan's starts. Me and Jay make French toast. We love breakfast food. We all eat at the table.

"It's a nice place." His mom says.

"Nice food." Michael says.

"Thanks." Me and Jay say at the same time and laugh.

"I still can't believe you two are dating!" His mom says.

"Me either." Michael mumbles. We all leave together and me and Jay go to Nolan's house. Nolan's house is always peaceful. And smells like the season. Mix of snow and pumpkin now. I'm stuffed after eating. Me, Jay, and Nolan go downstairs. Hanging out with guys is a lot different from girls.

"I'll be right back." Jay says and runs upstairs. I told Nolan about the Nightmare on elm street trick. Jay is so scared of clowns. We put this creepy clown thing in the closet and then hind behind the couch. Jay walks in.

"Ha ha so funny guys." Jay says and walks over to the closet. I peck out and watch him open it. He screams and jumps back falling. I hold in my laughter. Nolan can also make it walk. He moves the contols. Jay backs away. I turn off the lights and lock the door. Jay crys out.

"No! Please no!" He says. Paybacks a bitch. I walk up behind Jay and grab him on the shoulders. He screams bloody murder and jumps up and bolts for the door. Nolan turns on the lights and jumps at Jay. Jay yelps and ducks under the pool table. I start laughing. He rocks back and forth under the table.

"Payback baby." I say getting under the table. He looks at me.

"Fuck off." He says and covers his face. I craw under the table and kiss him.

"Go away I don't like you." He says.

"I'm sorry baby. Are you scared?" I say in a baby tone.

"No. I was just shocked." He says.

"Shocked?!" Nolan yells and burst into laugher again. Nolan does a girly scream. "No! Please no!" He says falling on to the floor and acts likes he's crying.

"I want to go home." Jay says.

"You thought it was funny to scare me." I say and craw out from underneath the table.

"It's was." He says.

"Boo!" Nolan says behind him scaring Jay again. I giggle.

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