Chapter 18

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Jay's P.O.V.

On Saturday I wake up after Jordan and go make breakfast. Jordan and Coco cuddled last night which was so cute. Did I just say cute? I've been hangin' with Jordan too much. I pour mine and hers cereal and sit down. Jordan walks in with messy hair and one of my shirts on. Its big on her but shows all of her curves which is sexy as hell. Her in that Nurse costume. I just can't get it out of my head. She sits in front of me and yawns.

"Sleep good baby?" I ask. She gives me a dirty look. She's not much of a morning person. She starts eating and after a few minutes she speaks up.

"I had a dream last night."

"About what?" I ask.

"About you and me." She says not looking at me. "We had a little boy named Max and he looked just like you." Jordan starts to cry and I hold her close.

"I'm sorry." She says and wipes her eyes.

"It's okay baby." I say and rock back and fourth. She kisses me.

"Can I pleasure you?" She whispers.

"By doing what?" I ask. She gets on her knees and takes off my boxers. Jordan takes her small hands around me and puts me in her mouth. Her tongue wraps around me. She looks up and her cheeks become pink. I watch as she bobs her head up and down and sucks hard. I put my hands on her shoulders and cum. She licks me clean and stands up. Sweat is on my forehead. I kiss her and taste my cum on her tongue.

"I'm going to go get dressed." She says and goes to the bedroom leaving me.

Jordan's P.O.V.

At school it's boring as hell. Science class we watched a video which also means NAP TIME! Finally Gym came around. the girls and the guys spilt up.

"Okay you will be having theses "clubs" in here for the next few weeks. Pick a partner then choose a club on the board." Who else hates picking partners. I raise my hand inside my brain. I walk over to the teacher.

"Can we partner up with the guys?" I ask.

"No girl with girl, boy with boy." She snaps. Lauren walks over to me. I wish Michael Myers would come up behind her and slice her head off.

"I guess we have to be partners!" She says.

"Where's Michael when you need him?!" I mumbles. Lauren wants to pick Yoga. "Dude I can't move that way if I tried!" I say.

"Oh come on let's try it." She says and writes her name and mine next to yoga. Maybe Michael could cut off my head. Every guy is playing football.

"Hey Jordan we could use a quarter back!" Lewis yells at me.

"I hope you break your neck." I say. "who is the qb?"

"Me." Jay says and smiles.

"And Jordan has nothing to say." Jackson says and starts laughing. I stick my tongue out at all the boys and walk back over to Lauren.

"I hate you all!" I tease.

"We hate you too!" They all yell. I pop down on one of the mates to try to do what Lauren is doing. I give up.

"You really don't like me do you?" I ask her.

"Your okay I guess. It's just I really like Jason, I know you do to though." She says.

"There's like 20 other guys on the football team that would be so happy to date you." I say. "Nolan isn't much different than Jay."

"Truth is I've never really talk to any of the other football players other than Jay and you." Lauren says. "You know how they are so your not afraid to talk to them I am."

"How about this you stop trying to take Jay alway from me, and I'll get you an guy on the team. Not Alex, Jackson, Lewis or Corbin. They are all taken."

"Nolan maybe?" She asks. It hurts me to say that Lauren really isn't that bad of a person. I think we are friends now? How the hell did that happen? In the locker room I get undressed and put my gym clothes up. After all the girls are gone other than me and Lauren, Jay sneaks into the room.

"Wow it smells a lot better in here." Jay says.

"I've smelled the guys locker room before." I say. "Not that flowery." I say and laugh.

"So where is Nolan at?" Lauren asks me. Jay bangs up on a locker like he's been shot.

"What the hell? You guys are friends now?!" He asks.

"Yeah get with the program." Lauren says.

"Come on." I say and we get out of the room. I see Nolan. "Nolan!" I yell and he turns around. He runs back to us.

"Nolan This is Lauren, Lauren this is Nolan." I say.

"Hey." Nolan says.

"Hi." She says.

"We'll leave you alone." Jay says wrapping his arm around me and we leave. I got to my locker and put all my stuff away but my binder, stupid math. I walk with Jay to his locker. My phone dings. I look down the hall and see Zoey running to me with tears going down her face.

"What's wrong?" I yell.

"Alex and I got into a fight and now he says he wants to break up!" She says crying. Jay closes his locker.

"Go in the truck with Jay and I'll talk to Alex." I say and walk off towards Alex's locker. I see him with his back on his locker.

"What did you do!" I yell at him.

"Whoa Jordan! It's non of your concern!" He says.

"The hell it is! My best friend is crying because of you!" I yell at him.

"Why are you on her side? What happened to bros before hoes?" Alex asks me. I'm silent. "That's what I thought."

"That doesn't mean I shouldn't have answers." I say.

"Fine, I was talking to one of my girl-friends And Zoey got mad and made a big deal." He says.

"Oh." I whisper.

"I still love her. I just got mad and said if you don't like it leave." He says.

"Come on." I say and pull him outside. I see Zoey and Jay. I stop.

"No." I whisper. Zoey just kissed my boyfriend.

"Bros before hoes." Alex repeats.

"You little bitch!" I scream. She looks at me and lets go of Jay. He puts his hands up in defense. I go to punch Zoey but Jay and Alex hold me back.

"Maybe you should have watched me not Lauren." She says with a smirk.

"You should have too." Lauren says behind her and tackles her to the ground. Nolan grabs Lauren after a few good punches.

"Let me go!" She yells trying to get back a Zoey. The guys take us away from her.

"I'm sorry Alex." I say to him.

"It's fine." He says. "I still have the best girl ever." He gets me in a headlock and I laugh. Alex lets me go and Jay kisses me.

"Much better." Jay says. Lauren invites all of us over. Nolan kisses her.

"Aww!" I say.

"Shut up Luck." Nolan says and smiles.

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