Chapter 10

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After the game we go home. It's an awkward time. I really got to pee but I don't want to be the first to talk. Jay keeps his eyes on the road and I look out the window. I the corner of my eye I look at him. He's doing the same. I look away and sigh. I reach for the radio and Jay's hand touches mine. He pulls away and I turn on the radio. I tap my fingers on my leg to the beat. I squeeze my legs together. I'm going to burst Jay pulls into a gas station and parks.

"Go to the bathroom." He says. I run to the bathroom. When I come out Jay is holding a icy. He hands it to me. He pays for it and we leave.

"Thanks." I say once we get outside. He doesn't say anything. I sigh and walk faster. He grabs my hand pulling me back. He looks pissed. I look at where he is looking and see his ex-girlfriend. She always hated me but acted like we were best friends when Jay was around. I never told him because he was happy with her.

"Jay jay?!" She yells and runs over to us. The girl inside me tells me to step in front of Jay. The guys in me is yelling don't you dare. I stand there and She wraps her arms around his neck. I don't even know her fucking name.

"Hey." He says. My heart breaks when he acts like I'm not even there. He hugs her back and they act like they are boyfriend and girlfriend again. I take a sip of my drink and walk to the car.

"Oh my gosh Jordan! You look so, so, guyish." Bitch says.

"Yeah most girls don't have their name on a lettermans jacket." I say.

"You are, one of a kind!" She says.

"No shit." I say. "You are too." Not in a good way. Jordan the bitch is on fire today!

"So what's been up with you guys?" Mrs. Bitch says.

"Good. What about you Carine?" Jay says. Carine the bitch. I like the ring to that.

"Great!" She says and smiles.

"Yeah I better having sex every night with a different guy is great." I mumble. She didn't hear it but Jay did. He glares at me. I make a weird face and he cracks a smile.

"Me and Jordan are dating." He says.

"Oh." She says.

"For a few months now." I say and walk over to him.

"I'm single." She says and try's to flirt with Jay. The whole "not talking" thing with me and Jay breaks when I kiss him. He kisses my nose when I pull away. He grabs my drink and takes a sip.

"Shocker." I say and roll my eyes. Jay squeezes my arm.

"Stop." He whispers in my ear.

"We will see you later." I say and pull Jay it the car.

"I love jealous Jordan." He says and chuckles.

"I'm not jealous!" I say and smack his arm.

"Yes you are even when you didn't want to talk to me you were jealous!" He says in the car. I move over to his seat and kiss him.

"I was not jealous! I get to kiss you every morning and night she doesn't." I say.

"Jordan's jealous! Jordan's jealous!" Jay sings. I get back in my seat and cover my ears. Jay laughs and starts the car. I look out the window and yawn. It starts to poor down rain. "Great." Jay says and hits the wheel. We stop and I look at him.

"What's wrong?!" I ask.

"Traffic jam." He says. I groan and take a drink of my icy. I drift off the sleep.

"What's going on!?" I scream as Jay is laying on the ground blood dripping from his head. Cars are all around us but no one helps.

"Someone please!" I scream crying as I bang on their windows.

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