Chapter 31

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The next two months is a lot of wedding planning. Where, when, who is going to be who. My dress. Hair. Makeup. Cake. It's really stressful. Lauren is a big help though. Me and Jay both want it to be in the summer. I just can't believe it! I'm going to be married to Jay!

We go cake testing today. Jay is excited.

"Even if you like it don't say it so we can get more cake." Jay teases with me. "That goes for you too!" He points a finger at Rose.

"I won't I'll have my face in cake." She says. They are too much alike. We go in my car. My other baby. I drive and Jay and Rose wont stop jumping around. We get to the wedding cake store. Jay and Rose race into the store. I laugh and get out. I walk into the doors and Jay is looking at all the cake.

"Are you sure you need cake?" I say and laugh. He pulls up his shirt showing off his six pack and V-line. A few girls in there drop there jaws. I grab his hand.

"Ouch your ring got me." He says then cracks a smile. We sit at a long table and start trying cake.

"Nope not good." Jay says pushing a empty plate away. I giggle. We try at lest 30 different cakes till I find mine. Red velvet.

"Yes!" I yell when I see her cut it and see the red inside.

"Dude that's the best cake ever!" Rose says. Jay nods and we start eating it.

"Yes baby!" I say. Jay smiles at me.

"Your so cute." He say and kisses me.

"What kind of icing?" the lady ask.

"Lets try them all!" Rose and Jay yell. I laugh. I try the buttercream and fall in love. I push my plate over to Jay.

"Try the buttercream." I say. He dips his finger in it and puts it on my lips. He kisses me.

"That is good." He says and smirks. I wipe icing off his cheek and giggle. After we have icing and cake we love at different decorations.

"Can we get a girl football player and A boy football player on the top kissing." I hear Jay whisper to the lady. She nods and smiles. I act like I didn't hear it.

"How about the red roses?" I say and looks at Rose.

"Like me!" She says and smiles. She lost her front baby teeth and she looks adorable when she smiles.

"I think that would be perfect." Jay says. My Dad gave me money for the cake and my dress. Jay pays for the five tear cake. We do have to feed a whole football team.

"Now lets go dress shopping." I say and smile. Jay groans and Rose claps her hands. Jay picks up Rose and kisses her nose.

"You should be on my side little duck." He says. He's been calling Rose that for the past month. Luckily the dress shop it right now the sidewalk so we just walk there.

"What color is the wedding going to be?" Rose asks.

"Red." I say and smile. We walk in and a woman greats us.

"Looking for a brides maids dress?" The woman asks.

"A wedding dress." I say.

"Oh." She says and walks to the rows of wedding dresses. Rose helps me pick out five different ones. Jay sits by the changing room and I walk in and try the first one on. I walk out. Its white like all of them and it's really big. It has straps and the top part is sparkly. Jay shakes his head.

"I need to see your beautiful curves." He says. Rose looks at him. He smirks. I walk back in and try on another. He shakes his head. I try on all of them. He says no to all.

"Then you go find one." I say and walk back in. I change out of the dress. I open the door a little and hand Rose the dresses.

"Thanks sweetie." I say and shut the door. I fix my bra and sigh. This is harder than I thought. Jay opens the door but I still cover my body.

"Here." He says handing me a dress and closes the door. I put it on and fall in love. It's strapless, Big but not too big. It really does show my curves. The only part sparkly it the part around my boobs. I open the door and step out. Jay stands up.

"You look.. beautiful Jordan." He says.

"Wow Mom!" Rose says and runs over to me.

"Do you guys like it?" I ask. They both nod.

"It's cheap too." Jay says. 3,000 dollars is not cheap! Well for a wedding dress it is. Jay pays and I still have around 3,000 left. I use this for our rent. As I'm putting my clothes back on my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say.

"This is the Principal of Manchester college is this Jordan Luck?" He asks.

"Yes it is."

"I would like to give you a full ride for colleges for your football." He says.

"No way!" I squeal. I stop.

"Wait, Is a Jason Connors on the list?" I ask.

"No." He says.

"Could you maybe give him a call. I have money for college and He doesn't. He's the best Middle Linebacker you will ever see!" I say.

"What is his number?" He ask.I give him the number.

"And sir I can't wait to go to your school." I say before hanging up. I finish getting dressed and see Jay is on the phone.

"What?!" He yells. "Thank you sir! So much!" Jay hangs up and runs over to me. "I have a full ride for College!" Jay spins me around.

"That's amazing baby!" I say and smile.

"I guess this girl named Jordan said-." He stops. "You said no?!" He yells.

"I have money Jay." I say.

"But why did you say no?!" He says again.

"I knew someone else would be happy if they got a free ride." I say and smile. He kisses me.

"Your the best wife ever!' He says and looks around. A daughter and Mom is looking at us. Jay blushes. He holds my hand and Rose's.

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