Chapter 17

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Going home was the best thing ever. I stay home that day and Jay said he would get my work from my classes. It feels lonely till Jay is home. He hands me a folder with all my work inside. I groan and walk into the bedroom. We do our homework together luckily we are in the same classes just different periods. Jay is done after a half an hour but I still have 3/4 left.

He goes to get something to eat from the kitchen and I bite on the end of my pencil. Ugh I hate this. History and Science are my best subjects so I fly though all the papers. Math is just stupid. Finally around 6:00 I'm done with everything. Jay lays next to me and smiles.

"Work is great huh?" He says. I slap his arm.

"Shut up." I say. He is laying on his stomach with his head in his hands.

"So what do you want to do?" He asks.

"I don't know. You pick." I say.

"Close your eyes then." He says. I close them.

"Why?" I ask. He puts a pillow on my face.

"I don't trust you not to look." He says. I giggle and hold the pillow on my face. I hear him get up and open the closet. Then I here the bedroom door close. Its silent. I peck out and see he isn't here. The nurse costume is sitting on the bed. I bite my lip.


Jay knocks on the door.

"Can I come in?" He asks. I look in the mirror.

"Sure." I say. He opens it and smiles.

"I've always wanted to fuck a nurse." He says and he picks me up by my hips. I wrap my legs around his waist. He goes to take off my underwear then smirks.

"I knew they were going to be off anyways." I say and giggle. He shoves a finger in. I gasp.

"Bad girl." He says and slaps my ass. He takes his fingers out and sits me down. He gets on his knees and puts my legs on his shoulders. He stands up and works his tongue around.

"Baby please!" I moan. He licks my cult as he starts to finger me again.

"I'm going to cum." I scream.

"Do it babe." He says. I do and he licks me clean. Jay sits me down and I blush. He licks his lips.

"You taste good." He whispers in my ear. Jay bends me over the bed and takes off his pants and boxers. He slams into me and I grab onto the sheets.

"Baby." I moan. I look up and I can see myself in the mirror. My clothes are all messed up and there's sweat on my forehead. I watch Jay throw his head back and cum. He sees me and smirks. I cum again and stand up. I hiccup.

"Oops." I say and giggle.

"Stay in that outfit baby." He says. I pull down the dress down a little. It's so small. Jay walks out of the room putting his clothes back on and I look in the mirror. I fix the top too. I try to make it look like my boobs are bigger but it only helps a little. I walk into the kitchen and Jay just looks at me.

"Can we order pizza?" I ask.

"Sure." He says. Jay calls in for the pizza and I turn on the TV. I watch red band society and at the end of it there is a knock on the door. I stand up forgetting what I'm wearing and open the door.

"Here is you- Holy shit." The pizza man says. Jay is in the shower.

"Can you sit that on the table?" I asks and run into the kitchen for some money. I walk back into the living room and give him the money. "Keep the change." I say.

"Thanks." He says and winks at me. "If you don't mind me asking but why are you in that?"

"My boyfriend." I say.

"He's pretty lucky." The pizza guy says.

"I guess." I say and he walks out the door. He winks at me again before I close the door. I sit back on the couch and grab a slice from the box. Jay walks into the living room with just boxers on.

"Two very sexy things in front of me." He says grabbing a slice.

"The pizza is more sexy." I say with a mouth full. He smiles and kisses my forehead. When I see what is happening on the next red band I freak out. "No!" I yell. I sink into the couch.

"My life is over!" I yell into a pillow. Jay starts laughing. I hit him with the pillow. I turn on pretty little Liars.

"Anything but this!" He yells.

"I have been with this shows since the beginning so I don't want hear about it!" I say.

"It's so stupid." He whines.

"Your stupid." I say taking another bite of pizza. After the show is over We watch the walking dead, Which I almost love as much as PLL.

"What are we going to do for Christmas?" Jay asks. I look at the date on my phone. Wow it's next week?

"Wow um I don't know."

"Maybe we could get a little tree." He says and smiles.

After school on Friday me and Jay go to the hardware store down the street and look for a tree.

"I was think after we get a tree maybe we could go find a dog or cat." He says. I almost scream in the middle of the store.

"Really!" I squeal.

"I did promise you we could get one and I asked Tim if we could and he said yes." Jay says. I hug him. He wraps his arm around brings me closer. We get a small sliver tree maybe 3 feet tall and a few boxes of ornaments. In the check out I can barley stand still. It's starting to get cold outside so I'm wearing one of Jay's hoddies and he's wearing his letterman Jacket. I have been wearing my promise ring that Jay got me a lot and the locket. The woman behind us smiles when Jay laces his hand with mine.

"Are you to married?" She asks. I blush.

"No this is a promise ring." I say holding up my hand.

"That's so sweet." She says. I smile and Jay squeezes my hand. He pays for everything and we walk to the truck he puts everything in the back after he opens my door. I look at him and kiss him. I get in and shut my door. he gets into and I clap my hands. We go to the pet store and we walk in. I look around at the dogs and one catches my eye. It's a tiny brown dog with 4 white spots on its back.

"Jay!" I call for him. He come over and I pick up the dog. It licks me all over my face.

"I want him." I say and smile. $550. Wow. Jay buys the dog and fills out paper work. I get a bag of dog food and treats. I also buy a robe and leash. Coco. Is what I name him. His little spots make it look like he's Hot chocolate which I love. I pay for everything else and we take him to the car. I can't help but love on him. He's really hyper.

"Now I don't want anything else for Christmas." I say.

"I don't either." Jay says.

"No I'm getting you something."

"That means I get to get you something also." He says and smirks. We get home and I put Coco on his leash and grab as many of the bags I can. Jay gets the tree and the last bag. We walk inside and Tim smiles at us. Coco runs around and I laugh. We go inside the elevator and He freaks out.

Jay kisses me before the door opens. Coco pulls me down the hall and I make him stop at our door. I've never had a dog. Jay has had two. I let Coco run around the room as Jay sits the tree next to the window.

"I feel like We're a family now." I say.

"Me too." Jay says and kisses me. That night Jay makes us Coffee and we decorate the tree. Thank god coco is potty trained so he stands by the door when he needs to go out. Jay takes him outside and I lay on the floor by the tree.

"If only we had a kid." I whisper. "Everything would feel a little normal." I sip the coffee. Coco jumps on me and I laugh. He licks my cheek and jumps off. Jay lays next to me and pushes the hair out of my face.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too."

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