Chapter 8

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We go back to the bedroom and sit up with our backs on the headboard. "You go first."

"Okay, a year ago I got excited in math class and I jacked off in the bathroom." Jay says. He was in my math class last year. "From you." He says. I blush.

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah." He says.

"My turn, I had a dream one day that I was making out with Channing Tatum." I say. Why did I even do that?! Okay, he's hot.

"Since we have been together?" Jay asks.

"No a few days before." I say.

"I had sex with Lauren." Jay says. "It was when you and Logan were dating and I needed to get my mind off of you. That's why she thinks I would date her." I can't get mad or kill anyone. Damn it.

"Oh." I say. I guess I have to do it. "I had a dream that Nolan came here drunk and he wanted to kiss me. I said no but he didn't stop."

"This was a dream right?!" I can hear the anger in his voice.

"Yes." I whisper. my phone buzzes. Its midnight and Nolan is calling me. The hell?

"Why the hell is he calling you?!" Jay yells.

"I was wondering the same thing with Lauren." I say. "Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Happy Birthday!" Nolan screams in my ear.

"Oh my gosh! It is my birthday!" I say and laugh. I forgot he always calls me right at midnight for my birthday.

The next day I get a lot of "Happy birthday"s from the team and the girls.

"What is Jay doing for your birthday?" Jenny asks.

"I don't know." I say. I don't want a big thing about it. Jay made me wear a white dress to school today. I asked why and he said I would find out later. I'm wear 3 inched heels and they hurt like hell. I like flats better but the only over flats I have are the purple ones and hot pink ones I have never worn.

At lunch Jay sits next to me and holds my hand. My cheeks are pink as ever. Lucky me, We have messy food today. I just grab a Yogurt and other things. Jacob finds me at lunch and takes to me to a different table so He can help me with homework.

"You look nice today. Happy birthday by the way." He says.

"Thanks. I'm 18 now." I say with a smile.

"Do you like me?" He asks. "Not that way, but just in general."

"Your okay I guess. I was just shocked that I have someone helping me." I say and tap my pencil.

"I was in your position last year." He says.

"So your a freshmen?" I ask.

"Yup." He says. "I had someone like me and I hated him. He always made me looks proper. I'm cutting you some slack." He says. I laugh. I look over at Jay and he's not even looking at me. At lest he trust me.

"I got you something. I read your file." He says handing me a box with wrapping paper and a bow on top.

"Thanks. You didn't have to get me anything." I say taking it.

"I thought it would help." He says and smiles. I open it up and there's a football and has names all over it.

"All players of the Seahawks signed that. I heard that is your favorite team." Jacob says. I grab it and see all the names. I scream with joy.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! " I say and tackle him with a hug. Everyone looks at us. There's a card at the bottom. I open it and there's a long letter.

Dear Jordan Luck,

I heard you like our team. It would be so nice to meet you. On Sunday, the team and I will be watching the Ravens and The Colts play in Tennessee. Here are two tickets for you and your boyfriend to come watch the game with us.

~Russell Wilson

Jacob hands me two tickets. I give him another hug and run over to Jay.

"What's wrong?" Jay says standing.

"Russell Wilson gave us tickets to watch the Super Bowl with them!" I say. Jay gasps and hugs me and spins me around.

"Also Jacob got the whole team to sign this football!" I say. Jay spins it around in his hands.

"Oh my god." I hug Jacob again. I'm so happy and can't stop smiling!

At home and proudly put the football next to my shiny gold painted football from the big win. I walk back into the living room and the couch is moved. Jay stands there and turns on ballroom music. He takes my hand and slowly spins me around. We dance around the room. I'm not that good but hell, Jay is perfect at it.

"It's not Seahawk tickets." He says.

"It's perfect." I say and kiss him. He goes into the kitchen and grabs a small box.

"Happy Birthday Beautiful." He says and hands it to me. I open it. I still wear the locket Jay gave me. A ring. Also a little note.

I promise I will love you forever It says. A promise ring. I put it on and it's perfect. I hug and kiss him.

"Next ring in going to be your hand in marriage." He says. I get butterfly's

I hope everyone had a fun Halloween! it was really cold here so I didn't get any candy :/ love you guys so much!

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