Chapter 26

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In the morning I get dressed and also get Rose dressed and fed.

"Ready for school?" I ask her. Luckily she had everything for school. She nods. I stay as long as I can and Rose has to wait by herself. "When you get on the bus text me." I tell her giving her my old iPhone. She nods and I kiss her goodbye. Jay hugs and kisses her and we walk out the door. I stomach drops. I don't want go leave her. Jay drives as always and I look up to our window and see Rose waving. I smile and wave back.

"I don't want to leave her either but we have to." Jay says and holds my hand. We get to school and Jackson runs up to us.

"What's her name?' He asks. I laugh.

"Rose." Jay says. I go to first period. When the bell rings a few seconds later my phone vibrates.

Rose- Im on the bus! Have fun at school! (:

Me-You too sweetie! Love you

Rose- love you too mom!

I smile as I walk to science alone. I feel so happy.

Rose- I texted Daddy too

Me- yeah he's the one you have to worry about xD

In science the teacher blows up the experiment so we get to talk and play on our phones.

"I need to meet her!" Lauren says to me.

"She's acts a lot like me and looks a lot like Jay." I say.

"Aww!" She says. After two more classes we go to lunch. Jay scares me.

"I hate you." I say and laugh.

"I hate you too." He says. "I wondering how Rose is doing."

"I don't know." I say. After school we go pick up Rose. I finish my math and history homework when I see Rose. She runs down the side walk and gets in. She has a beautiful smile on her face.

"Had fun?" I ask.

"Yup." She says and smiles. We get home and Jay goes to work. As me and Rose walk inside the apartment she says. "Can I ask you something?" She whispers.

"Anything." I say and we sit on the couch.

"Well there's this guy in my class.." She says.

"I thought guys were gross?" I ask her and she blushes.

"Well not this guy." She says. "He's really nice. I was wondering if he can come over to help with my my homework since its my first day."

"Don't tell your dad." I say. She calls him.

"He also rides my bus." She says and smiles. There's a knock on the door after a few minutes.

"Hi I'm Joey's Mom." A woman says with a blond haired boy.

"Rose's mom." I say and smile. "Come in." I say.

"Oh no thank you I'll be back in a few hours to pick him up." She says and kisses Joey bye and leaves.

"Hi." Rose says to him.

"Hey." He says. They sit on the couch and he helps her with homework. after an hour Jay come home.

"They want me to work all this weekend so my boss sent me home." He says to me and kisses my lips.

"Who is this?" Jay asks Rose.

"Joey. He's just helping me with homework." Rose says. Joey and Rose are sitting pretty close.

"How was school?' Jay asks Rose.

"Great!" She says and hugs him. Joey's mom comes to pick him up and they leave.

"Boys are gross?" Jay says and smirks.

"Dad!" She says and covers her ears.

"You said it not me!?" Jay says and tickles her.

"There's going to be a blizzard tomorrow before everyone gets home so it's going to be a half day!" Jay says and does a wired dance. I laugh. "We have food right? I mean we don't know when it's going to end" he asks and I check.

"Yeah I should go to the store." I say.

"Can I come?' Rose says.

"Sure I say. She puts on her coat and I wear Jay's lettermans jacket.

"You have one but you wear mine?" Jay says me and laughs.

"Don't you like me wearing your clothes?" I whisper when Rose is in her room. He slaps my ass.

"I would rather no clothes." He says. Jay squeezes my ass. I kiss him goodbye and we leave. I get in my car.

"Wow!" Rose says getting in the back.

"Nice huh?" I say and smile. She puts on her seat belt and I start driving to the store.

"One of my girls in my class brought her cat to school." Rose says.

"Why?" I ask.

"I guess her dad said "I'm going to eat that pussy when she goes to school."" She says.

I hold in a laugh.

"I don't think he was going to eat the cat sweetie." I say as we walk into the store.

"Then what was he going to eat?" Rose asks.

"Never mind." I say. Rose helps me pick out food for our dinners and breakfasts.

"You've never had a pancake?!" I say shocked.

"Nope." She says.

"Wow." I say. "we are having them for dinner then." I let her push the cart to check out. It's a madhouse since the blizzard is coming. I pay and we go to the car.

"Why can't you have a baby?" She asks me.

"My mom did a bad thing called drugs when she was pregnant with me and it messed things up inside me." I say.

"Oh, so I'll never have a baby sister or brother?"

"No I'm sorry." I say and hug her. We go home and Jay comes outside to take bags inside.

"Babe what's wrong?" He asks me.

"Nothing." I say "I'm fine." We get everything in and Rose goes to her room. Jay helps me make dinner. As I make the pancake mix Jay stops me and puts me on the counter.

"That shirt." He tells me. It's a v-neck.

"Can I just?" he says and moves my shirt so one my boobs are out. He starts to suck on it. I bite my lip and move my hands to his hair.

"What are you doing?" Rose says walking in. Jay stops and moves around me blocking me as I fix my shirt.

"Um your mom dropped something down her shirt." Jay says and rubs his neck.

"No she didn't." Rose says.

"She's a lot like you." Jay whispers to me. I smile. "Yes she did and I had to help her." I can't help but giggle behind him. We finish the pancakes.

"Werido." I say and laugh at Jay.

"I'm the weirdo?" He asks.

"Yes." I say and smile. Rose sits a the table eating. "Like them?" I ask. She nods and smiles with a mouthful.

High school girl {Book two}Where stories live. Discover now