Chapter 7

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I get to history class and the principal calls me down. A guy in college is standing next to her.

"This is Jacob, He will be helping you in your class, making sure your homework is done." She says

"I don't need him." I say.

"Do you want to go to college or not?" She asks. I groan and Jacob follows me out. He's not bad looking but nothing like Jay.

"Where are you from?" I ask Jacob.

"California." He says. City boy. Hell.

"Cool." I say walking back to class. He follows me EVERYWHERE! I hate this so fucking much. "What are you going to do?! Follow me home?!" I scream as he follows me to the parking lot.

"No." He says. I get into my car and I have to wait for Jay. Jacob stands there. "You mite need anger management classes." Jacob says and that's sets me on fire. I open the car door. I see Jay which makes me stop.

"Your lucky I don't shove that binder up your-." Jay puts his hand over my mouth. I keep talking.

"Done?" He asks when I stop talking.

"I guess." I whisper and sigh. I start my car and pull out of the parking lot.

"Who is he?" Jay asks.

"He's a guy, the principal makes him follow me around and my day was hell!" I say. Jay puts his hand on mine which makes me calm down.

"Take a deep breath." Jay says and I do. Jay talks about his day. Luckily he didn't get in a fight. We get to the apartments and I grab my book bag. Most people are at work still.

"Good Afternoon Tim!" I yell.

"Good Afternoon to you to Mrs. Connors!"

Tim says with a smile. Jay goes to our room to get changed for work. He got a job at Kroger as the bagger boy. When Jay is a work I do some housework. I make our bed and clean the dishes. My phone starts to ring. Nolan.

"What's up?" I say.

"Nothin much Luck, what are you doing the rest of the day?" He asks.

"Just clean around the apartment." I say putting a plate up.

"Well my parents are in a fight right now I was wondering if I could come over?" He says. I can hear yelling in the background.

"Sure." I say.

"Cool see you in a few minutes." He hangs up and I finish the dishes. There's a knock at the door. I walk over and Nolan is there with a 6 pack of beer.

"Huh?" I say.

"I need beer." He says and walks in. I shut the door and sigh.

"I don't get why you keep drinking. And your under age." I say and grab them from him and walk to the bedroom.

"Jordan no!" He yells and tackles me.

"What is wrong with you now? Your always drinking and one day your going to get hurt!" I yell pushing him off me.

"Your not my mom!" He says. He's drunk.

"Your drunk." I say.

"Maybe." He says and smirks. "One drink." I groan.

"No." I say.

"Yes." He says. "Kiss me." My eyes grow big.

"Has anyone told you how cute you are? I wouldn't mind banging you." He says.

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