Chapter 33

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"This is your final for Science class. If you listened you'll do great. If you didn't." She says and handing me my text and glares at me. "To bad. You many begin." She says. I always study really hard a week before the test and I always past. It really helps when your boyfriend is at work not bugging you. or fiancé. I smile at the thought. The bell rings. I'm only half way done! "We will finish tomorrow." She says. I hand in my test and walk out. Final's week suck. I go to lunch and sleep. I lay my head on the table and sleep. After lunch I'm less tired for the rest of my tests. The rest of the tests are easy. For gym we go to the workout room. We have to past the football locker room.

"Eww it smells in here!" a girls says.

"That's Jordan." Nolan says and holds his nose.

"Shut up!" I say and laugh. We get into the room and the girls act like they can lift but they can't.

"So." Jay says and smiles at me.

"So what?" I ask stopping and sit up.

"Should we embarrass Nolan?" He says and smirks.

"Hell yeah." I say and stand up. Jay stands up and walks over to him. He's flirting with a girl.

"Hey man Jordan wants to know if she can use your perfume? Since you have a lot." Jay says.

"You wear perfume?" The girl asks. I spray a little of mine behind him. She sniffs. "Bye." She says and walks away. I fall to the ground laughing.

"I hate you guys!" Nolan yells. I try to stand up but I'm laughing too hard.

"You did the same thing to Jordan!" Jay says laughing. Nolan sticks his tongue out at me. Class ends and I go to the girls locker room and change.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" Jay says to me when I walk out. His smirk makes me blush.

"I don't know." I say and play with my hands.

"Maybe we can play nurse?" He says and smirks. He holds my hand as we walk outside. Its warm outside.

"What about Rose?" I ask.

"I can act like I'm sick you are taking care of me?" He says.

"Maybe." I say and smirk.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say. He stops and spins me around so my chest is on his. a few people are looking at us.

"Your the best girlfriend I could ever ask for." He says. "I wondering if you will get tired of me. They always say one falls more in love everyday and the other falls out. I was afraid you were the one that's falling out since I was falling in."

"I'm in a endless hole of love." I say and kiss him. "Spinning around and around." We make-out in the middle of the parking lot.

"So much love." He says. I break away and we walk into the car. We go to Rose's school and pick her up. She crying.

"What's wrong?!" I say and pick her up and hold her close to my chest.

"He broke up with me!" She crys out. I sit her in the truck and get in. Jay drives into the parking lot and parks.

"Daddy!" Rose yells and hugs him.

"It's okay." He says and rocks her back and forth. "It's okay baby."

"I love you mommy. " She says crying and hugs me.

"I love you too." I say and kiss her forehead. Jay drives home as I hold her. Rose to her room and locks her door.

"I'm going to fucking kill him!" Jay yells.

"Jay stop it!" I yell and grab his hand.

"He's not going to hurt her!" He yells.

"You hurt me." I mumble. Jay looks at me.

"Really?!" He yells. "Your going to being that up now!?" He yells.

"Well your acting like your Mr. Perfect." I say. Rose opens her door and walks into the living room.

"Go back to your room now!" Jay yells at her and grabs her arm tightly.

"Don't you dare yell at her you dick!" I yell.

"Your a fucking bitch!" He yells and pushes me backwards and I fall to the ground. Rose runs to her room. I walk to her room.

"Come on let's go out for a little bit." I tell her. She nods and try's to hold in tears.

"Your not taking her!" He yells.

"I hate you!" Rose yells at him. "I don't want to live with you anymore!" I pick her up and grab my car keys and phone. I take off my ring.

"Take it you dick." I say and throw it at him.

"I-!" he yells and runs for the door. I slam it in his face. I walk down the hallway.

"Jordan wait!" He yells.

"Go away!" Rose yells. I turn around and Jay is on his knees.

"Not going to work on me." I say and get on the elevator. I hit the main floor button and the doors close. Tears run down my cheeks but I try to be strong for Rose. I look at her arm and see a big handprint on her arm. I look at my hand and see blood and a piece of glass stuck in my hand. I pull it out and bite my lip. The doors open and I walk to my car.

"It will be okay baby I promise." I say and she puts her arms around my neck. "We don't need him." I keep telling myself that. I need him. I turn off my phone and Rose does the same. He's a fucking dickhead.

I drive to my old house. Still so lonely. We walk in and I put my keys in the little bowl next to the door. Rose stays close to me. Nick's car is here. He walks into the room and sees Rose's arm and my hand.

"He's dead." Nick whispers. He takes me to the bathroom and cleans my hand. I cry the whole time. "Take Rose and you to your room." He says and opens the door. He leaves to I bet kick Jay's ass but me and Rose stay in the living room. Jay has always been afraid of Nick. He's taller and stronger.

"It's all my fault." Rose says.

"No it's not I set him off." I say. I'm a idiot.

Jay's P.O.V.

Someone bangs on the door.

"Open up Jay!" Nick yells. No! No! No! The door opens.

"I'm going to kill your motherfucking ass!" Nick says and shuts the door. He slams me on the wall and punches me. I fight back.

"Let me talk!" I yell.

"You hurt my sister and her daughter now you are going to hell!" He says and slams me on the ground. He stops. I cough up blood.

"Good I hope you die painfully." He says and stands up.

"She's my wife and my daughter too." I say.

"She doesn't have her ring and Rose hates you so not anymore!" Nick says and walks out the door. "I'm going to be home for awhile so I wouldn't come around the house." He says and shuts the door. I see the diamond ring on the floor. I do need to die. I remember the glass in her hand as she left.

"Nice going Jay." I whisper to myself. "Your a idiot."

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