Chapter 36

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Today is the last day of school then Sunday is graduation. The last day of school is our "free day". As always me and the team go to the field. Everyone goes in the bleacher to see the people that not going to be here next year.

"Nolan underwood." Coach calls his name and he steps on to the 5o yard line.

"Jackson Salt."

"Carter Cape."

"Lewis Armstrong."

"Jason Connors." I watch Jay walk to the line and the guys.

"Alex Zimmerman."

"JJ Nelson."

"Logan Debater."

"Last but not lest. Jordan Luck." I step out of line and Everyone cheers. I walk over to the line.

"I think our quarterback should do it this year." Alex says. I have been waiting for this my whole life Jay grabs one of my legs and Nolan does the other I hold up the shiny gold football and they put me high in the air. Everyone gets on their feet. I smile. After everyone goes back inside we do a last huddle.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I wish I had another year of high school." I say. Everyone laughs.

We put our hands in.

"One! Two! Three! Devils!" We scream and break up. I hug all the guys and we go back inside for our last lunch together. I start crying thinking about it. I love these boys so much it's unhealthy. The coach eats with us like every year. I used to seeing people go, Now I'm the one leaving.

"I better see you all at practice four years from now!" I say. Everyone nods. This can't be it!

"To family!" Jackson says raising his milk.

"To family!" We yell raising ours.

People start pasting out yearbooks. I get mine and open it. The whole team signs it.

Love ya!, Have fun in college!

Jay signs it.

I'm going to be married to you next month-Jay

I smile. I kiss him. I find the football pictures and smile there's one of me and Nolan posing. Pictures of us playing. All of us together and then there's a quote at the bottom.

"To brother hood! and sister hood." It says. I look at the Guys and see their looking at their books. I lean into Jay and he kisses the top of my head. The bell rings for the end of school. Everyone runs out.

"No school!" I yell. I say goodbye to the guys knowing I'm seeing them for the wedding and some for graduation and run up to Lauren she runs into me.

"Your the Maid of Honer!" I yell.She screams and hugs me.

"Thank you, thank you!" She says and jumps up and down. "I can't wait!" She screams. I run to Jay's truck and jump in. I jump over the seat and mash my lips into his. He gasps but kisses me back.

"Just a few more weeks." I whisper. Jay's birthday is Tomorrow but I don't know what to do. We have Friday and Saturday before we are college students!

"What do you want to do for your birthday?" I ask.

"Maybe we can go to a pool and take Rose with us." Jay says and smiles.

"Well ain't you a family man." I say and smile.

"Yup." He say. When we pick Rose up from school she is hold a teddy bear and a small box of chocolates.

"What's that for?" I ask her.

"Joey gave them to me because he's going on Vacation in a few weeks and he was sorry he couldn't see me." Rose says getting in the truck.

"It's that sweet!" I say and smile. Rose looks over at Jay.

"She got nothing. didn't she?" Rose says.

"I'm marrying her I think that's a lot." He says and winks at me. I blush.

"I guess." She says and shrugs.

"So I was think maybe we can go find you a flower girl dress today." I say to Rose.

"Really?!" She says and smiles.

"I think that would be nice." I say. We go to a more cheaper dress place and walk inside.

"It has to be red though okay?" I say.

"Okay." She says and looks through the dresses.

"Are you two getting married?" A lady asks us.

"Yup." I say and lean into him.

"That's so cute." She says.

"Come looking Mommy and Daddy!" Rose yells for us. She in a short red dress and it has a little bow around her waist.

"That one looks so cute in you!" I say.

"It does sweetie." Jay says.

"I like it too!" She says and she goes back into the changing room. I walk in to and help her take it off.

"When can I start wearing bras?" She asks me.

"When I think you are ready." I say.

"Am I?" She asks.

"No." I say and put her shirt on her. "Well I guess I could get you a training bra. But bra's ain't fun." I say.

"Yeah I want one." She says and smile.

"Okay I'll ask your dad if we can stop by Wal-Mart. I need some more bras anyways." I say and we walk out.

"Hey drive us to Wal-Mart. Rose wants to try a bra and I need some more." I say.

"Okay." He says. He drives us and comes inside with us. Rose takes my hand and we walk to the bra's.

"Hey babe can you look for an B36's?" I ask Jay.

"I guess." He groans and looks. I take Rose to the training bras and let her pick two out. We go into the changing room and I help her put it on.

"Can I get them!" She begs.

"Yes." I say. She jumps up and down and takes them off. She puts her shirt back on. We walk to my size bra's.

"People keep looking at me!" Jay says.

"Poor baby." I say and he grabs my hand.

"I picked out this one." He says and hands me a lace bra.

"Really?" I say and put it back. I grab a black and two white ones.

"Look daddy!" Rose says and shows him hers.

"Rainbows and Unicorns?" He says and smiles. "I remember when Jordan wore those!" I slap him. We get some food and then go pay. Jay picks Rose up so she can put her stuff up. I kiss his cheek. He's so good with her. Jay puts her down and waits to pay.

"Scarlet!" Rose yells and runs to a little girl.

"Rosy!" She yells and hugs Rose. I walk over to them. A guy I'm guess who is her father shakes my hand.

"You seem to be pretty young to have a 5th grader." He says to me.

"I'm adopted." She says and hugs my leg.

"Well it looks like she happy about it so that's good." He says. Jay walks over with three bags.

"I'll take this." I say taking the bra bag.

"Come on babe." Jay says and hands Rose a light bag just of pasta.

"Bye!" She says and waves. Jay wraps his arm around me and Rose skips in front of us.

We are really a family.

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