Chapter 37

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Coco is freaking out when we get home.

"Calm down!" Rose tells him and plays with him as we put the food up. I make chicken pasta and its really good.

"Thanks for Dinner!" Rose says with a mouth full. I watch red band society till I fall asleep.

In the morning I walk up in bed with Jay's arms around me. Rose is shaking my arm.

"What?" I whisper.

"I made you both breakfast in bed." She says. Jay wakes up and we eat. Me and Jay both give her half of our food.

"Go get ready for the pool!" Jay says.

"Yay!" She says and runs to her room. I wear my black and white swimsuit.

"We are going to a public pool so I don't want to see anything out or I'm going to whip your ass." He says and winks. Rose so so cute in a little Bikini. Jay picks her up and spins her around. We get to the pool and its really not that bad. Jay gets in first. Rose jumps in and I smile. I dive in and go to the surface.

"Look at my baby's bobbies!" Jay says grabbing them.

"Jay!" I say and blush. I see a few girls get in around our age. Don't even think about flirting with him. I say in my head. Rose swims over to Jay.

"Race you down the slides!" Jay says and jumps out of the pool. I laugh as Rose runs up the slides. My baby and my big baby.

"Please tell me that's your brother and sister." one of the girls asks me.

"Nope my Fiancé and My daughter." I say with a smile. Rose wins.

"No fair!" Jay whines. I swim over to them and dip down come close to Jay's chest. I push up and he smiles at me. Pouring rain come out of the blue. Everyone runs to their cars jumping out of the pool. We get out and I wrap and towel around Rose and Jay gives her the keys to the truck so she can unlock it. Jay grabs our clothes and we run to the truck. He stops me.

"I've always wanted to kiss you in the rain." He says. He kisses me. I kiss him back and he sucks on my lip. We get into the truck and shut the doors.

"Skating anyone?" Jay asks.

"Sure." We go home to get clothes then go to the skating club. As I'm put on my shoes Jay and Rose are getting food.

"Pizza!" Rose says skating over to me. Jay hands me my plate and we eat.

"Come on." Jay says and takes my hand. We go and skate which is really fun. I fall a lot but Jay is always there to catch me.

"I'm better at football." I say and smile.

"That's hot." He says and smiles. People start dancing in the middle.we go to the middle and Jay break dances. I smile and clap. Couples skate comes on. I see Rose texted Joey because he's here now. Jay holds my hand as we skate around.

"Happy Birthday baby. I love you. " I say.

"I love you too." he says and kisses me. After a few hours of skating we go home. Saturday I finish up the wedding plans.

Alex, Jackson, and Logan are his men and Nolan his best man.

Lauren, Joey's Mom who now I am friends with and Jenny are my Maids and Lauren in my maid of Honer.

Joey is the ring bear and Rose is the flower girl. We are having it outside which me and Jay wanted.

"Working on the wedding again? Jay ask getting under the blankets.

"Yes." I say. He turns over and turns out my only light. I stop and look at him. I shut my laptop and lay down. I kiss his lips. Like honey as always.

"Happy birthday Baby." I say. He pulls me on top of him. I smile as we kiss.

"Jordan." He says breaking the kiss.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I'm being drafted into the NFL." He says.

"That means?" I whisper. I know what it means.

"I can't go to college with you." He says. Tears fall down my cheeks.

"Your leaving."I say.

"After the wedding yes I can't go on our honeymoon." He says. I get off him. "Jordan-." I cut him off.

"Just don't speak." I say. Im going to be left alone in this apartment just like my dad did. I'm happy for Jay but, I just don't want to give him up. "How long have you known?" I ask.

"Before I asked you to marry me." He whispers. I run out of the room. I go into the bathroom and cry. He walks in and grabs my face. "You didn't let me finish" He says and wipes my cheek with his thumb.

"What now?" I snap.

"I said no." He says.

"What?" I whisper.

"I'm not just going to leave you. You said No to LSU for me and the team. I said no to the New York Jets." He says. "I told them I have my wife and child at home that I don't want to leave." I kiss him.

"I love you so much." I say.

"I love you too baby girl." He says. We go back to the room and lay down. I lay close to him and have my hand on his chest. Tomorrow is graduation. I still can't believe Jay gave up The New York Jets.

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