Chapter 15

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Jay's P.O.V. (I bet you were waiting for that!)

I scream. I lay on my bed and scream. I cry and scream. She left me. Gone. I ruined everything. I walk into the bathroom. I just have to pretend that she's just at school. I start to clean the bathroom. Jordan would be so happy.

I look at my phone. I can't help it. I lay in my bed for hours calling her and calling her. Just to here her beautiful voice in the voicemail.

"Hey sorry can't get to the phone! Just leave your name and number and I'll call you right back thanks!" She says.

The apartment feels so empty. I get under the covers and I can't sleep. I'm freezing. I'm so stupid. She was trying to make me happy and I yelled at her! I start to sob. This is all my fault! my phone starts to ring

Andrew Luck

"Where is Jordan?!" I cry out.

"Jay calm down." He says.

"Where is she!" I scream.

"She's at the hospital." He says.

"Why?" I whisper.

"She tried to kill herself." Andrew says. "She almost did die." I hang up and grab my keys. I run out the door and close it with a slam. I don't give a damn if it wakes up the whole world! I run down the stairs and almost fall. All I'm wearing is sweatpants not even socks.

"Whoa Jay?" Mark says.

"My girl needs me." I yell and run out into the rainy night. I run to my truck and start it. I drive 20 over the speed limit. Take the back roads.

"Slow down." I can hear Jordan whisper. I wipe my eyes.

"Sorry babe." I say and slam on the gas to the floor. I make it to the hospital. I park the truck and run inside.

"Where is Jordan Luck?!" I yell at the lady.

"Sir you need clothes on." She says.

"I said where is Jordan Fucking Luck!" so scream. Everyone is looking at us.

"Sir." She says.

"Oh fuck you." I say and run off. I see Andrew. "Where is she!?" I cry out.

"You can't see her. They think she's gone." He says and starts to cry. I drop onto the floor.

"Sir!" I hear someone say. I just lay there. My body shakes as I cry.

"No." I whisper. "No! No! No!" I say louder.

A old man walks over to me on a walker.

"Get up son." He says.

"The love of my life is gone and you want me to get up?" I say. He sits in one of the chairs.

"My wife is in here to but you don't see me crying do you?" He says. "We have been married 60 years. Sometimes she wants me to die sometimes want her to drop dead. But I still love her. You need to tell your girl that." He says.

"I can't." I whisper. "I can't move without her. She's everything to me and I let her go."

"Well you got in here like a bat out of hell for this girl. I think her knows." He says. I sit up and put my head in my hands. The old man hands me a necklace.

"My wife told me to give that to someone that needed it." He says. Its a bird with a ribbon in its mouth. All gold.

"Thanks." I say with a smile.

"Are you Jay?" A nurse asks me. I stand up and nod to the old man. He nods back and goes back to his family.

"Yes." I say.

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