Chapter 21

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On Christmas I wake up to Jay jumping on the bed.

"Wake up wake up! Its Christmas!" He says.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I say and get up. Jay holds my hand as we walk to the living room. Hot chocolate sits on the table and Coco has a bow on his head. I sit near the tree and Jay grabs the hot chocolate.

"Hey Coco we are drinking you!" Jay says and laughs. I hand Jay his present.

"Big much?" He says and laughs.

"Just open it." I say and smile. He rips the paper and freaks out.

"An XBox 360!?" He yells. I smile. He tackles me with a hug and kisses me all over my face. I giggle. Coco sniffs the box out. I sit on Jay's lap and he hands me my presents. I open one and there is charm bracelet.

"You can get more charms the more places we go." He says.

"I love it." I say and hug him. I open the other box and its just a box. I open it an theres another. And another, and another. I look at him.

"Keep opening." Jay says. After a few more boxes theres a note.

You'll get it when the guys come over. It says. I look at Jay.

"The note said it not me." He says and smiles.

"When are the guys coming over-." I get cut off by a knock. I walk over and open it. The Whole team. My Jaw drops. Everyone has a present. After 20 minutes of opening gifts. Luckily Jay bought presents for all of them and put my name on there with his. I kiss him and smile. "So where's the magic present?" I ask Jay. Everyone looks at him.

"Well it's kind of a present all of us put in for." Jay says.

"And we can't really give it to you." Alex says.

"We are taking you to... Louisiana!" They say. I gasp.

"All of us are going AND we are going to check out the campus and stay there for a week." Nolan says. I jump up and down.

"Well your dad and Nolan's Dad gave us half the money." Jay says and rubs his neck.

"Thank you guys!" I say and hug all of them.

"Well bad news is we have to get on a plane to night if we are going to make it back to school on time. Since school is 8 days from now." Alex says. Everyone goes home and we are going to met at the airport. Most of the guys can't go so its just Me, Nolan, Alex, Jay, I pack for the week making sure I have my makeup, toothbrush, toothpaste, phone charge, and a weeks worth of clothes. I also put it my white heels and dress. Jay packs his quick and I take around 20 mintues.

"Thank you and Merry Chirstmas." I say to Jay and kiss him.

"Merry Christmas baby." He says. We take Coco to his moms house because she said she would take care of him and go to the airport. It's already dark outside and snowing. I have on one of Jay's hoddies which makes me warm. I almost slip on the ice but Jay catches me.

"Thanks." I say and giggle. He keeps me close till we get inside. I see Nolan and Lewis talking. We walk over to them and Nolan hugs me.

"I'm freezing." he says. We hold each other and I think Jay is jealous. I wink at him and smile. When everyone gets here its almost time to go. I've rode in many planes but Jay hasn't. He's afraid of them. He grabs my hand as we step on.

"It's okay baby." I say. We walk to our seats which are behind Alex's and Nolan's. Jay sits down and takes a deep breath. He said he didn't want to sit by the window so I do. A teenage girl sits next to Jay which makes me mad. I guess her older sister sits with Alex and Nolan. I hold Jay's hand as we take off. When we are in the clouds Jay leans over.

"Wow!" He says. I smile. I turn on my laptop and go to Netflix.

"An hour and a half." I say and put it one of my head phones. I watch the new Red band Jay talks while I watch. I will be with theses boys for a week I think I need some alone time. Jay kisses my cheek and I look at him. He smiles. I smile and close my laptop.

"We are about to land." He tells me. I put my headphones in my purse and put it on my lap. Jay grabs my hand as we land. Louisiana here I come!

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