Chapter 5

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Me and Jay go bad to the apartment and I lay down. "I'm not eating for a week." I say.

"Me too." Jay says taking off his clothes.

"Take off mine." I ask him. He walks over and in button my pants. He takes them off and throws them into the dirty clothes pile. He lifts me up and takes off my shirt. I smile. He leans down and kisses me. Jay climbs in bed and flops next to me. I groan and turn over. I grab my phone. I check all of my social stuff and see there's really nothing. Jay's arms wrap around me. I hear a snore. His snore is kinda cute. I can feel his warm breath hitting my back. My bra pops off. I look behind me. Jay's eyes are closed.

"Jay!" I say and shake him. He's sleep walking. He turns me over and gets on top of me. He starts kissing my chest. No no no. I shake his arm.

"Stop Jordan you know you want to." Jay says. I push him off me. His eyes open.

"Were you dreaming about having sex?" I ask.

"Huh?!" He says looking at me and sits up on one arm so he can look at me. "how did you?!"

"You unhooked my bra." I say.

"Oops sorry." He says. "Leave it off.' He says and pulls me close. I'm having cramps. I groan and sit up.

"What's wrong?" Jay asks.

"I'm having cramps." I say and stand up. There's a knock on the door. It's like midnight. Jay jumps up. He walks to the door. He looks through the peephole. He looks at me. He runs over to be and picks me up. He grabs both our phones and into the closet. I see him dial 991.

"There's a man at our door with a shot gun." Jay whispers into the phone. "Okay." He says but doesn't hang up. Jay stands up and grabs on of his shirts. I slip it over my head. The knocks at more like pounds. Jay holds me close.

"Who is it?" I whisper.

"Come out come out where ever you are!" I hear Rob yell. He's inside.

"Get on the ground!" I hear someone yell. Jay hold me tighter. The door opens and there's a police man. Ugh, They scare me I don't know why. Oh yeah cause of all the crime shows I watched as I kid. They just had scared me since. "Are you okay?" He asks us as we stand up.

"Yes." Jays says still not letting me go. I see Rob then my mom. Police are taking them out.

"Do you know what they were going to do?" Jay asks.

"I think the man was going to..." He's starts but Jay covers my ears.

"I'm not a little kid anymore." I say looking up at him.

"I didn't want you to hear that." Jay says. I sigh. The cops leave with my mom and Rob.

"What was he going to do?" I ask Jay when he closes the door and locks it. He walks over to me and picks me up. "answer me." I say as he walks into the bedroom.

"The think he wanted to rape you." Jay whispers then bites his lip. I tense up.

"They don't know that right?!" I ask. My cramps are still here. Hell.

"Like I said they think." I wish I didn't ask.

I wake up the next morning and get ready for school. only four days this week I get Jay up and he takes a shower. I throw my hair in a messy bun I put on a bra and grab one of Jay's hoddies. I slip it on and slid in black sweatpants.

"Don't you look comfy today!" Jay says walking into the room. I smile. The towel around his waist is so low.

"I am." I say. Jay just puts on some jeans and a random T-shirt. I put on my Vans and grab my phone and binder. Jay grabs his shoes and we walk out the door. He puts them on I the elevator. I laugh as he bumps into the wall trying to put on his shoes. We get out of the apartments and get in Jay's truck. I sleep as we go to school. I grab my books from my locker. I see Alex's running down the hallway to me.

"You got to see this!" Alex grabs my hand and takes me down the hall. I start hearing

"Fight! fight!" As we get down the English hallway. I push through the crowd. Jay is passed out on the ground with Carter punching him.

"No!" I cry out. its like nothing comes out. "Stop!" I jump into the fight and try to break them up. Jay's nose is bleeding. his whole face is covered in blood. Teachers grab Carter and pull him away. My hands shake as I wipe off Jays mouth which is covered in blood. He's breathing.

"Wake up!" I scream at him and shake his arm. Someone grabs my arm. "No!"

"Sweetheart-." I cut the teacher off.

"Leave me alone!" I cry out. She lets me go and I run back to Jay. The hallway is silent. "please wake up." I whisper and lean my head on his chest. I start to sob. "Your all I have. I love you. Please just wake up." I yell.

"Jordan." Jay whispers. I look up. He opens his eyes. I hug him. He sucks in air fast.

"Sorry." I say and let go.

"Lets go to the nurse." A teacher says. Alex helps Jay up. Jay puts his arm around my shoulder and limps to the nurses office.

"Why were you crying?" Jay says wiping tears from my eyes.

"You. I thought you weren't going to wake up." I say.

"Oh. Good thing I did right?" He says and smiles. I sit Jay on the bed.

"Yes." I say. The nurse cleans Jay up.

"Why was Carter beating you up?" I ask she cleans his cheek.

"He came up behind me and knocked me out I don't know why. He just a pussy and sad that I beat him up." Jay says. The nurse looks that him.

"Sorry I said pussy." He says. She hides and laugh.

"Is it bad if I kissed him?" I ask the nurse wants she is done. I see and boy walk him and he looks sick. She winks and closes the curtain around us. Jay pulls me on to the bed with him. He kisses me. I smile and kiss him back.

"Would it be bad if I fucked her?" Jay whispers on my ear and nibbles on it. We hear someone get sick. I make a "ewww" face. Jay lays down to rest and I leave for class. Zoey toke my stuff to math class. I walk into the door and the bell rings. I walk over to the teacher.

"I was checking on my boyfriend." I say.

"Here's your homework, ask me after school if you need help." She says handing me a worksheet.

"Thanks." I say and walk out again. Zoey hands me my things ad we walk to the science hallway. Alex walks with us. Alex holds Zoey's hand and she walks close to him. I smile. I'm glad my friends have someone. Nolan walks up to me.

"Is Jay okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, he's just resting." I say.

"Well Jay puts me in charge of being your bodyguard when he's not around." Nolan says and puts his arm around my shoulder. Nolan is in our Science class.

"Okay bodyguard." I say and laugh.

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