Chapter 19

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The guys jump into the pool with just boxers on. Lauren goes upstairs for her swimsuit.

"Strip strip!" Jay cheers at me. I shake my head. He gets out and takes off my shirt and pants. He pushes me in. I swim to the bottom and stay there. Jay goes down and gets me.

"Meanie." I say and Lauren gets in. After a few games of Chicken, Me and Lauren get into the hot tub.

"Sorry what about happened with Zoey." She says.

"It's fine and thanks for sticking up for me."

"Anything for a friend." She says.

"So you and Nolan?" I ask and raise my eyebrow.

"He is sort of like Jay but way cuter and funnier." She says.

"Lies!" I say and we start laughing. I didn't see the guys behind us and one unhooks my bra and the others untie Lauren's top. We gasp and cover our selfs. I get out. It happens so quick that me and Lauren are in the pool naked.

"I am going to kill you all!" I yell. They are naked too. Jay jumps in close to me and grabs me. He wraps his arms around me and smiles.

"I don't like you." I say. He laughs. I watch as Nolan catches Lauren and pulls her close. Alex sighs. I swim over to him.

"Hey." I say.


"I'm sorry." I say and hug him. I feel his dick on my leg. He blushes. "sorry about that too." We both laugh. Alex ends up leaving so its just the naked couples. Jay wraps his arms around me covering my boobs. I blush.

"If they weren't here I would fuck you right now." He whispers.

"In the water?" I ask.

"Yes." Nolan and Lauren get out and Nolan pulls his shirt over her body.

"Where you two going?" Jay asks.

"No where." Lauren says and pulls Nolan upstairs. Jay looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"I don't know." I say and bite my lip.

"You don't have to." Jay says and kisses me.

"Thank you." I say. I lean back and lay on the water. Jay looks at me and smiles.

Jay's P.O.V.


"Jason!" Mom yells.

"Coming!" I yell.

"Really for football tryouts?" She asks.

"Yes!" I yell and run to the car. I get into my car seat and clap my hands. Mom gets into the car and we go to my school. When She stops I unbuckle my seat belt and run to the field with my football. I see that weird girl from my class.

"Hi! I'm Nolan!" A boy runs up to me and says.

"Jason." I say.

"You like football too!?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say. Another boy comes over.

"I'm Alex and this is Jackson." He says and smiles.

"Come on you can practice with us." They say and pull me to the field. The girl walks over.

"Hey." She says to us.

"Hi." Alex says.

"Can I practice too?" She asks.

"I like your shoes." Nolan says.

"your too." She says.

"Why it's not like your going to make the team." I say to her. She stands in front of me.

"Oh yeah?" She says.

"Yeah." I say. She looks at me and spins around and walks the other way. She drops her head down.

"Wow aren't you nice?" Jackson says to me.

"She's a girl!" I say.

"That girl just happens to be my best friend!" Nolan yells at me.

"Who is she anyways?" I ask.

"Jordan Luck. Her daddy is Andrew Luck." Alex says.

"The Andrew Luck?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says. She sits on the bench and throws the football to the ground.

"Everyone come here." Everyone comes together near coach.

"Even you Luck!" He yells at the girl. She groans and walks over standing far away from me.

"Say your position." He says. He points to everyone till it comes to Jordan.

"QuarterBack." She says. That's mine!

"QuarterBack." I say when he points to me. She rolls her eyes.

"Everyone come back tomorrow." He says. He talks to my mom then we go home.

I hate Jordan Luck and I always will!


Two days later


"Jordan!" I yell when I get to the field.

"Jason get back here!" Mom yells at me.

"But I want to play with Jordan!" I whine.

"Let me fix your shirt." She says and fixes it. Jordan walks over to us and we walk to the field together.

"You don't look like a Jason." Jordan says.

"Well I am." I say.

"I think Jay better." She says.

"I like the name Jason!" He says.

"Jay!" Jordan yells.





"Fine." I say.

"Yay!" She says and claps her hands.

End of flashback

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