11. Party

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Later that night I'm sitting on the kitchen counter, my legs crossed in front of me and the strawberry milkshake Brian brought home held in my hands. My eyes are glued to the tv screen that's mounted above the kitchen table as the news flashes across, the woman on screen a beautiful blonde with bright pink lip stick.

Max and Rider are sound asleep on the couch in the family room while Brian watches television in the den, which is nothing unusual for us. The three of them stay here more than they stay at home and I don't mind. When Matt and I are in a bad place, Brian is good company.

Matt walks into the room, a sleepy smile on his face as he comes over to me and takes the milkshake from my hand. He takes a drink of the pink deliciousness and sets the cup on the counter beside where I'm seated. His arms encircle my shoulders as he stands between my legs and buries his face in my neck.

"It's been a good day." He whispers against my skin as I lazily run my fingers up and down his back.

"The best day in a long time." I mumble against his cheek before placing a soft kiss there. Matt pulls away and lifts me off the counter onto my own two feet. "Let's go talk to Brian."

"About?" I ask, worry evident in my voice.

"Nothing bad, baby. Just wanted to finish the conversation we were having earlier before dinner."

When we enter the den Brian's eyes are half closed as the action movie he was watching blares loud.

"Bri." Matt calls out as he sits down on the couch across from him and pulls me into his lap. Brian's eyes pop all the way open and he takes a deep breath before sitting up fully and turning his attention to us.

"I didn't mean to pass out. Are the twins asleep?"

"Yeah, they fell asleep a little bit ago." I tell him while leaning back to rest my head on the back of the couch.

"So this girl we were talking about earlier." Matt speaks up while a grin forms on his lips. My eyebrow raises as I lift my head to look at Brian.

"Girl?" He hadn't mentioned anything to me when we were alone earlier today. Brian runs a hand through his hair and rolls his eyes.

"Her name is Amelia. We have been talking for a few weeks. We've hung out a few times but I don't know about her yet. I want you guys to meet her before I take her around the twins. I don't want anyone else coming into their lives that isn't good for them."

I know he's thinking of their mother. Brian really hasn't dated much since I've known him. When he did, he never introduced them to his sons and he rarely brought them around us.

"So you want to go on a double date or something?" I ask him, now interested.

"Sort of. There's this party coming up at the law firm in a few weeks. It's this big charity thing, formal, lord knows I don't do well in situations like that to begin with." I can tell he's nervous by the way he uses his hands to talk. "I want to invite her, but I also want to invite you guys. You can get to know her without it feeling like an interview like dinner would." I think it over while looking to Matt. A frown is on his face.

"I think it's a great idea. Don't you?" I ask him.

"I do. I think it would be a great way for us to help you figure out whether or not she would be good for the twins."

"But?" Brian asks Matt.

"But I don't know who I'll be that night." Matt's voice is low and he doesn't make eye contact with either of us. "I don't want to commit to something and not be able to go through with it."

"Matt-" He stands up from the couch and brushes me off.

"I'm sorry. I'll think about it. We will see how the next few weeks go and then I'll tell you." I let out a sigh as he leaves the room. Brian turns to me, his expression irritated.

"I need this, Sum. I trust you two with my kids. I like this girl and I need to know I'm not making a mistake. She wants to meet them, but I can't do it without you." I stand from the couch and walk over to him. I lean down and hug him tight.

"I'll do what I can to make sure Matt is Matt the night of the party. You're family, Bri." Brian holds me for a second longer than I expected and when he pulls away he stares me in the eyes before letting me go. There's an expression written on his face that I can't pin point.

"Thank you."

I turn to the door without another word and shake my head clear as I exit the den and head towards the stairs.

When I get to the bedroom Matt is already laying down. He's laying on his stomach, his torso bare, in just a pair of sweats. I reach for the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head to leave me in just my bra as I shimmy out of my jeans.

Matt turns his head to look at me as I crawl onto the bed and straddle his waist. My hands glide up his back delicately to his shoulders where I massage the muscles along his neck and upper back. A sigh leaves his lips as his eyes close. I lean down to press my lips to the center of his back between his shoulders and the slightest shiver ripples through him.

Matt grabs me by the wrist and pulls me down beside him. I rest my head on the same pillow as his and run my finger delicately over his bottom lip. He sits up a little and rests his head on my stomach. My legs wind around his and my fingers find their way into his hair. I look down at him, his eyes closed, and I want nothing more than to take away every bit of the pain he feels.

"I love you." I whisper out as I brush my fingers through his brown locks. He looks up for just a second, his eyes tired.

"I don't deserve your love, but I am grateful for it every day." He presses a kiss to my abdomen before resuming his position rested on my bare skin. I reach over to turn the bedside lamp off as gently as I can so as not to disrupt him, and snuggle into the pillows.

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