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Note to self: bad shits always happen when you let your guards down.

  It had been three weeks since we helped Jean. Everything was pretty much normal, slightly boring, even. James had become slightly more tolerant towards me, even though he did look like he wanted to fry me up one time when I swept the floor before he could—he is the one that does the chores in the house. To that, Ang only said, "It is his way to relax. Let him be."

  We were back from a futile rescue mission that day. We didn't see anyone at the location of report, not even a ghost. It was early morning when we came back to the house; we were all exhausted, and just wanted to crash into the bed and sleep.

  Just as we saw our house behind the shrubs that surrounded its perimeter, James raised a hand and stopped us all.

  "Someone is here." James said under his breath.

  At the exact same moment, a black shadow flashed out from behind the house, and I recognized the shape that looked like a gun in its hands. I only had time to get my hands on James when the shadow switched the device on.

  I had first-hand experience with that thing called White Noise. It was the reason why I was apprehended and brought into custody in the first place.

  The boxes in Ang's and Drew's hands hit the ground without a sound. The two of them fell on their backs like wilted grass only seconds later. I had stopped my own hearing so the White Noise wouldn't affect me, and I could only hope that I managed to stop James', too. From the fact that he was looking confused rather than unconscious, I'd say that I succeed.

  I yanked him onto the ground with me, so we could hide behind the shrub from the skip tracer—no, skip tracers; another four came out of nowhere. I had never seen skip tracers worked in groups, but judging by the way they dressed, the equipment they had, they couldn't have been anything else.

  As James ducked, he saw Ang laying on the ground behind us, and panicked. He tried to jerked away from my grip, but I wouldn't let him. I grabbed him so hard that I was pretty sure I left his wrist with bruises. I tried to train his focus onto the White Noise machines on the skip tracers' hands, and make him understand what I need him to do.

  He finally got it after some painstakingly long five seconds. He narrowed his eyes at them, and a second later, sparks came out of the White Noise machines. The skip tracers dropped the machines with shock on their faces.

  I let go of him, and we both scrambled to get Ang and Drew on the ground.

  "Come out! Right now!" I heard one of the skip tracers yelled as I put my hands on Ang and Drew and blindly willed them to wake up.

  "What happened? What's going on?" Drew asked frantically as he registered the fact that he just passed out.

  "Come out, or we will shoot!" The skip tracer yelled again, and I saw something flashed in Ang's eyes. His face turned cold—I had never seen this expression on him. We stood up, and saw that they indeed were training their guns at us. We had no choice but to walk out from behind the shrub.

  They forced us to kneel down on the ground, side by side, hands behind our heads. One of them—a woman—took out an orange device—like a walkie-talkie—and flashed it at Ang's face.

  Her face paled. She rushed back to talk to another one of them, an older man who looked like their leader. The latter one listened to her, frowns grew deeper and deeper, and the next thing we know, all of their guns were pointing at Ang.

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