Tomorrow Never Knows

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It took us three days to plan the hit. Of course, if it was just like how they bring down the camp in Lexington, we could've done it the day we were captured. We eventually decided that the only way we could free the kids from those 'hunters' without killing was to challenge them to a fight, win that fight, and cast them out.

  We mapped out where we figured the gunmen would be patrolling; we take them out first, one by one, and then we go back to the main house to challenge Knox.

  But when we put that plan into action, it wasn't what we expected. We started at night, from the spot where we were captured, but we found no sign of any of the hunters. We scouted the entire eastern tree line, up to three miles away from the warehouse, but found no one at all.

  "Are they having another initiation?" Drew asked. We had been out the entire night, and the day had just broken.

  "For this long?" Ang said. "I don't think so."

  "What do we do now?" I asked.

  "We could go closer to see what was going on." James suggested. "Keep the shield up."

  Drew gave him a nod, brought up the rear, and we marched towards the warehouse.

  We still hadn't seen anyone, not until we reached the parameter of the warehouse. There, one of the boys—a hunter, maybe—stood in front of the warehouse door, a gun in his hands.

  "You!" He pointed the gun at us, and Ang immediately stopped us with his arms. "What are you doing here?"

  "We would like to join you." Ang said. "We changed our minds. We want in."

  "In on what?" The hunter looked guarded but...confused. James shot me a frown.

  "Your little...clan here." Ang said. "I believe I had passed my initiation?"

  "What are you talking about?" The hunter looked sincerely perplexed now. "Are you planning on stealing our food?"

  "We are more than capable of feeding ourselves—"

  The door behind the hunter opened, cutting off Ang's words, and a girl rushed out of the warehouse. "It's okay, Diego." Olivia put a hand on the hunter's shoulder, and rushed towards us. "You came back!"

  "What happened here?" I asked. "Why are there no men patrolling the woods? And why are you calling shots?"

  Olivia looked past our shoulders for a moment, and sighed. "Let's go talk inside."

  It wasn't what I expected at all. Inside the warehouse, they put the fiery trash cans all around the place, and everyone had blankets and foods. Knox was nowhere to be seen.

  "After you left, there were a group of kids—some of them my friends—that were captured." Olivia explained to us. "One of them..." Her voice trailed off.

  "What?" James pressed. "One of them what?"

  Olivia took in a deep breath. "—Is Orange. She used her ability, and casted Knox out. He walked out of here himself. Some of the guys in the hunting party left after him."

  "Walked out himself?" Ang frowned. "Do you mean willingly?"

  "Yes." Olivia sighed. "That's what the Oranges could do."

  We exchanged a look among ourselves. None of us had met an Orange before. Oranges were rare; that much we knew, but we didn't know they were this powerful. To actually change someone like Knox so much that he would left this place on his own. That has to take something.

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