With a Little Help from My Friends

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We moved out at dusk. Two miles away from the camp, we got a couple of tree trunks for the road block. Despite the fact that Drew almost threw those tree trunks directly at Liam's head, I'd say the plan went as smoothly as it could get.

  We hid behind the tree lines on either side of the road, James, Drew and I on one side, Cole and Liam the other. After half an hour, our target arrived.

  James moved out immediately, followed by Cole and me. James killed the engine, and Cole and I forced the PSFs out with guns—Cole ended up giving me one of those when we moved out because I allegedly have no ability to protect myself.

  "On your knees! Hands on your heads! Now!" Cole shouted. The two PSFs did as told. The fact that they actually looked afraid made me feel so complicated. They didn't want to be here anymore than we do, and it wasn't fair for them to lose their lives just because they happened to bump into us.

  Just as Cole pointed the gun to their head, I stopped him.

  "Wait. Let's just, do it in the woods." I said. "If anyone passes by, they would notice the blood and call the cops. We can't risk that."

  Cole frowned. "Fine. Take care of them, then." He and Liam left for the back of the car. I forced the two PSFs into the woods, put them to deep sleep, and fire two shots into the woods. I used the Swiss army knife Cole gave me to cut my palm open, and smeared their face with blood. After I healed my hand, James came to my side and helped me stripped them of their uniforms.

  "They're alive." James hissed into my ear.

  "Yes." I hissed back. "Don't tell them."

  "Are you sure about his?" James asked under his breath.

  "They won't wake up until tomorrow." I replied.

  James seemed to have more questions, but Liam came, so he swallowed them down. Liam didn't even look me in my face when I handed him the uniforms.

  "Now, the three of you, get in the trunk." Cole commended. James and Drew looked reluctant, but we did agree on this when we made the plan.

  The smell in the trunk was a dizzying stale stench of faux leather. The drive was just two miles, but it felt like eternity, and the fact that we had to squeeze ourselves into the shadows wasn't helping with the anxiety, either. The ending, where we went through the gate, was especially excruciating. But nothing happened. It was very lucky that the two PSFs we caught were both male, so Cole and Liam wouldn't be too much of a stretch pretending to be them.

  The car finally rolled to a stop.

  "You guys stay here." Cole's voice came from the driver's seat. "We'll be right back."

  I took in a deep breath, and counted the seconds after he and Liam left the car. James' face was dark in the shadow, but I could still see the sweat beading on his forehead. Drew's breaths were heavy. I knew we all want to ask the question: what if they abandon us?

  No. Stewart wouldn't do that. For all the things he might have lied to me, he still saved my life, which means that he is not going to knowingly let a bunch of kids die if he could help it.

  And I was right. The door opened up and closed, fanning in a puff of clean air. "Put these on." Cole threw a stack of black clothes into the trunk. PSF uniforms. The three of us wiggled ourselves into those heavy jackets and cargo pants, and rolled ourselves into the backseat.

  "Let's go." Cole announced, and we all opened the door in unison.

  Cole had parked the car on the back side of the main building which shaped like an H, with the horizontal bar being the tallest structure in this camp.

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