Ha-ha, I'm not the only one who got a special message, Angie my dear! Or do you really think Jerry was referring to both of us?
Come on! He's been trying to hit on her since when? Since Stone's birthday. But Angie thinks he's just joking, also because he tries it on with any girl. He's a bit like Chris, Chris's bark is much worse than his bite though. He plays around, but is loyal to his girlfriend, as far as I know. Jerry's single, he barks and bites hard instead... still hasn't bitten Angie though. I mean, come on man, can't you see she's not taking you seriously? Make a fucking serious move! I totally root for Jerry: he's hot and talented, a nice man deep down inside, and he also went through a lot of shit... Angie's amazing, she deserves a boyfriend who worships her, they have a lot in common and I believe they'd make a cute couple. But he really needs to stop messing around and take action!
"I'm calling Jeff so he calms down. And tell him about tomorrow" I shout to Angie through her room's half-closed door.
"Tell him: no presents"
"Hello" he answers after 45 rings, I guess
"Hey Jeff, don't pick up the phone so fast, take it easy, huh? It's Meg, got your messages"
"Meg? What the he... No, wait Jeff, calm down, don't get mad, take a deep breath..."
"Talking to yourself a lot?"
"I mean, I called you a hundred times, you call me back hours later and I'm the one who takes his time? Just because you're finally calling me right while I'm on the toilet?"
"Oh don't get pissed, take another breath, breathing is good"
"Ok ok, sorry, I apologize for interrupting your meditation moment in the restroom. And for going to work today, instead of staying at home waiting for your hypothetical call just in case the demo arrived today. And sounded great"
"Cut it off Meg, I just thought at least one of you'd be home, but your schedule is shit. Are you coming over? I can pick you up in minutes"
"Nope, you're coming tomorrow"
"For Angie's birthday party"
"Is it her birthday?"
"It was yesterday but the..."
"And how's it I didn't have a fucking clue?"
"Nobody did but me. But then she somehow let it out talking to Chris and he thought..."
"Wait, she didn't tell me but she told Cornell? Wow that... that hurts"
"She didn't really tell him, not intentionally, she was kinda misled... By the way, he already told Matt, Kim and Ben, and from what I've understood he also called Cantrell. I called Brian from the diner and a couple of college mates, will you tell Stone and Mike?"
"This whole lot of people knew that before me?"
"Aw come on, Jeff!"
"No no, it's ok, I get it. It's just, you know, when somebody tells me 'You're like an older brother, the one I never had' I usually tend to believe it. But it doesn't matter"
"Ahahah Jeff, don't be so dramatic! And just between us, I can tell she was high when she told you that"
"We both were, we smoked together. Do you remember? The good old days? When we used to see each other? Do stuff together? And I knew what was happening in your lives? Now I miss out on birthdays and barely catch you on the phone"
"Eh kinda hard times... Angie's doing extra shifts at the store also, and she's taking college quite seriously, you know her"
"I know... she really needs to party! Does she know anything?"
"She knows Chris is up to something, and she's scared to death of course, but doesn't know what and when. Are you coming then? We'll meet here, then go to see Melvins at the Rock Candy"
"Jesus, she loves them, she'll go crazy!"
"Exactly! Then we can stay there or come back to our place and party hard"
"I like the plan"
"Oh and as far as I know Angie, she wouldn't want presents, but booze and other funny substances will be welcomed"
"Got the message!"
"And you could bring the demo for us to listen. Better when we're sober"
"Yeah! The demo's great, I think listening to it while stoned could have its charms also..."
"Let's have a double listening session then, before and after, so we can compare the different experiences and discuss them"
"Hahaha that'd be crazy! Right, I'll call my girlfriend first and then Stone"
"Aren't they the same person?"
"Ha-ha hanging out with Angie and her sarcasm isn't doing you good. Don't you wanna call Mike? Did you fight? Are you mad at him?"
"What? What are you talking about? I just don't wanna repeat the whole birthday story once more"
"Yeah... sure... Mmm I think I should call Cantrell too, to remind him that she doesn't dig presents. Or tomorrow I'm afraid he'll show up naked with a big ribbon on"
"Hahaha that'd be amazing!"
"Actually that was supposed to be a disgusting image"
"You can't understand"
"I don't want to understand!"
"Ok, so I think we can end up this pleasant conversation with this pleasant image of a fully naked Jerry"
"Oh please! I'm gonna have nightmares tonight"
"Hehe good night!"
"Wait, you didn't tell me the time"
"Oh I'll come back from work with Angie at 8 o'clock, but the guys will be here earlier to arrange everything"
"Alright then, I'm calling them. See ya tomorrow!"
Wait until the music's over
FanfictionWait until the music's over is a story of love, secrets, regrets, what-ifs and of course... music! The story begins in 1990, when Angie Pacifico, a young film student, and wannabe screenwriter, moves from Idaho to the Emerald City. She meets a young...