"What about Angie?" Stone hands me the beer he kindly offered to buy me, who knows why, and I ask him the fateful question, the one that's been rolling in my head for a while, trying to act nonchalant, as if I didn't reallly care, I just say it.
"Got no idea, I haven't seen her in a while." he shrugs and doesn't say anything else on the matter. He bought it apparently "But I did have a collision with her insane colleague"
"Poor Grace"
"One moment she's enjoying the show, a second later she attacks me, bloody furious. How would you call her?"
"An average girl"
"Yeah, sure"
"Who got tired of being ignored and seeing you move in on another girl"
"What the fu-"
"If the woman I like acted as if I wasn't there and flirted with another guy, I'd get mad too" I remark and I think about that night Angie was smooching Dave at the Motorsport Garage, when I had to storm off and run to the restroom to prevent myself from killing him.
"So you think I shouldn't even speak to girls anymore, right? We're not dating yet and I'm already supposed to behave or something?" Stone stares at me and looks even more confused when I start giggling "And why are you laughing now?"
"You said yet"
"You said: we're not dating yet"
"I said: we're not dating"
"No, I heard it well! You said: we're not dating yet, I already have to behave. You aren't yet, but you think you will"
"One day"
"Forget it!"
"You said it, that's what you think, you betrayed yourself!"
"I only used the wrong words"
"You never use the wrong words! If there's one thing you're good at, apart from music, that's speaking"
"Maybe you still don't know me well, Eddie, kissing-up doesn't work and most of all won't make me admit things I never said and never will"
"I know, but I also know you don't dislike being flattered either"
"It can be"
"Anyway, you said it, I witnessed it"
"But you're also the only witness and I can easily silence you if I want"
"With a dead horse's head in my bed?"
"More like a surf board broken in half"
"You're evil"
"Hey guys!" an excessively smiling Mike joins us at the bar.
"If you think I'm gonna buy you more drinks you're so off track, man" Stones mumbles.
"Don't worry, I'm gonna pay for my own poison. You know what? I'm gonna buy you the next round too!" McCready answers, then calls the bartender and tells him to bring beer for three.
"Okaaay... who are you and what did you do with my guitarist? Eddie get him!" Stone hides behind me and I laugh enjoying their show.
"Go on making fun of me and I'm gonna drink 'em all myself" Mike retorts irritated.
"Abort mission, Eddie. I repeat, abort mission. It's the real McCready" Stone walks back where he was standing before and I drink and half of my beer has already gone.

Wait until the music's over
FanfictionWait until the music's over is a story of love, secrets, regrets, what-ifs and of course... music! The story begins in 1990, when Angie Pacifico, a young film student, and wannabe screenwriter, moves from Idaho to the Emerald City. She meets a young...