"What the fuck have I just seen?" Meg's right here next to me, laughing and clapping her hands, together with the small group who rallied around our friends in the parking lot.
"Need bleach to disinfect your corneas?" Stone stoops to talk to her, keeping his arm around my shoulders "Want me to go inside and ask for some?"
"They're admirable though" I remark.
"For their courage and total lack of shame or restraint? I couldn't agree more" he says seriously.
"No. I mean, that too. But I meant their artistic choice"
"Artistic?" Meg eyes me suspiciously, then Jeff and Laura drag her away and they all walk up to the champs who've just given the performance.
"Well, yeah, they could have played it safe without taking any chances and go for an easy WMCA or In the navy. Yet they chose a niche song"
"Well, I wouldn't call it niche..."
"You gotta admit it's not the typical Village People party tune" I shrug and turn around and start walking back to the club.
"Now that I think about that..." Stone follows and reaches out to take me by the hand.
"They even had to make up a dance routine"
"Hehe that's true, you're right" he smiles and gives a little squeeze at my hand and I just snap.
"What the fuck are you talking about Stone?" I plant myself pretty close to the entrance.
"Did you take any drugs that are kicking in now?" Stone studies my face with a perplexed look and a badly hidden smile.
"Come here!" I change direction and drag him back into the parking lot but towards the back, actually towards the band's van.
"Did Village People give you subliminal advice on how to spend the night? Well, the rest of it..." he asks as I gesture for him to open the door of the van.
"I see you've still got some sense of humour for me too!"
"Gracie, what's wrong?" he opens the van and flails his arms, while I walk around to get on the passenger seat.
"Get on and I'll tell you"
"So?" we're sitting and we're locked in and that fucking grin is still there.
"What's happening to you, Stone?"
"To me? I should ask you this question..."
"You haven't even made fun of me once since I got here!"
"Being tender and sweet is ok... although I have to admit that sometimes while we're talking on the phone I want to yell 'Leave this body!' because I don't know you anymore"
"I can't... I don't understand"
"But at least you were joking with me, I mean, it was always you, though covered in a thick layer of ... candy? Tonight you just keep on... fucking agreeing with me!"
"Should I not?"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I'm sure, I want the good old... well, the old Stone, not his pale copy. If this is the way you are when you have a girlfriend, you know, I'm not sure I want to take on that role"
"Oh. Well, that's curious" Stone looks surprised and he's not even trying to hide that grin anymore.
"I mean, I want that role, I like you, I really do... It's just, I can't understand what's wrong with you lately"

Wait until the music's over
FanfictionWait until the music's over is a story of love, secrets, regrets, what-ifs and of course... music! The story begins in 1990, when Angie Pacifico, a young film student, and wannabe screenwriter, moves from Idaho to the Emerald City. She meets a young...