14. On the road (Pt.1)

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"Motherfucker" Angie states as she pulls away again from my lips, and the only positive aspect is that she isn't talking about me.

"Oh come on, I told you not to think about it anymore... I've been telling you for two hours actually" I answer holding her tight, as we are sitting on the backseats at the end of the van, on the way to Portland, all huddled up to prevent the rest of the band from noticing us. When Angie called and said she would come with us I couldn't believe it. Clearly the guys started acting like morons when I was still at the phone and I had to beg them for backing me up and pretend not to know anything about me and her. Now they're up there, making fun of me and eavesdropping our conversation... even though there's no need to eavesdrop, Angie's basically shouting.

"You say so because it didn't happen to you! If it did you'd still be looking for him to punch his face. At least I'm against violence"

"Because you're not realizing the violence you're doing to me"

"To you?"

"Sure, depriving me of cuddles"


"It's nothing to laugh about, I'm suffering. A lot" I try and put on the saddest look of my bag of tricks.

"Oh poor thing!" she whispers pinching my cheek"

"I invite you on this trip with me to spend some time together and you talk about Eddie all the time" I also add a big pout.

"Shhh be quiet! They'll hear us!"

"Don't worry, they're talking and minding their own business... so we can mind ours..." I lift her chin between my fingers and kiss her again.

"Anyway I'm not talking about Eddie, I won't talk about Eddie anymore, I don't even want to hear his name anymore, he doesn't exist!" she points out, pulling away from my kiss again.

"You're overreacting! You can just stop talking about him now and take care of good old Jerry. Come on..." I try and bring her back on the right track to my lips, but I only make it worse.

"Overreacting? Do you really think I'm overreacting? He walked all aver me, if you didn't get it" she pulls away, moves back to her seat and crosses her arms glancing a severe look at me.

"I got it, I got it, you've been telling me since we left, you're right! But of course he was pissed, when someone's in a bad mood he can do or say things he will later regret"

"I don't give a fuck if he regrets or not"

"And he bursted out when you mentioned his girlfriend, who strangely enough hasn't moved to Seattle with him, it's evident they must have argued"

"So what? And why should I care?"

"Nothing, it was just to tell you to be more understanding, maybe you'll clear and patch things up and he'll apologize and..."

"So he has the right to be pissed off and act like a bulldozer on everybody he comes across, whereas I must be understanding"

"No, I didn't say you must"

"Yes, you did"

"Oh god... listen, do what you want, don't talk to him anymore, don't cross paths anymore, don't..."

"Sure, cause it's easy! After all, he's only the lead singer of Stone and Jeff's new band! How can I avoid him?"

"I was just saying, do what you want, but don't think about it too much. You've got nothing to do with it and can't do anything about it"

"Of course I've got nothing to do with it, it's not my fault..." she comments resting her head back on my shoulder.

"Unless you look like Beth, that would explain everything!" I try to lessen the tension of the moment with a joke. Which doesn't make her laugh.

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