"Don't stare, don't stare, don't stare..." the good half of my conscience repeats as I sit in the car while Eddie's working on fixing the board to the baggage rack.
"Nipples, nipples, nipples..." retorts the sick half as I bring myself to take another quick look through the car window to enjoy the view of the surfer, who's rolled his wetsuit down to his waist, thus wearing only the bottom part of it.
Needless to say which of the two parts of me is taking over right now. If I don't cool down, I'll end up answering his next question by yelling Nipples! at his face. It's not like those were the only things to look at, I mean, there's absolutely no lack of interesting details here. From his abs to the other muscles that... well, you know, look very well distributed... and wet, with small droplets of water trickling down from his wet hair. From the small moles on his chest to that narrow almost invisible path of hair that starts from the belly button and goes down down... Maybe I should have taken a refreshening dip in the ocean too.
"We'll leave in a minute, ok? I'm almost done. Sorry again for all the troubles I caused" Eddie talks and draws my attention and as I turn around I instantly thank god for my shades that are strategically hiding my most likely googly eyes, as I watch him leaning back against the car hood to take his wetsuit off completely. What did I do so wrong, or so right, to deserve this?
"Nip... No problem, I mean, where the fuck is the problem? Two extra days in San Diego, room and board and concert included, I'm the luckiest person in the world!" I half shout across the window.
"No doubts about room and concert, don't know about the board, it'll probably disappoint you, I've got basically nothing at home" he chuckles embarrassed for his empty fridge, whereas he doesn't show any trace of shyness as he pulls down the wetsuit, partially dragging down the shorts he's wearing underneath within too, then slowly pulling them back up.
"Well, at least you've got a phone to order a pizza for delivery, right? Hehe..." and to call for the ambulance I'll soon need, if you go on like that.
Eddie nods as he takes off one leg of the wetsuit and awkwardly jumps on one foot, just like any other person would do, like I'd do, totally unconcerned or unaware, or both, of his overwhelming beauty and the effects it's having on me.
"After we make things right with tickets and everything I'm gonna take you on a turistic tour, how would you like that?" he suggests, finally free from the wetsuit that is now in his hands and is promptly thrown in the trunk. From here I can see him grabbing a towel and dabbing his body and his hair with it and in a second I find myself with conclusive evidence to refute all theories about karma, reincarnation and past lives, bullshit I never believed in anyway. Because if it's true that the soul migrates from one body do another to ascend on a higher plane of consciousness, how can it be that the lowest level is occupied by rocks and other so called inanimate objects? There are people out there living lives that are much more insignificant than Eddie's towel's right now. Eddie's towel looks like the perfect end point once we're free from our karmic debt, the best way to transcend existence. My spiritual thoughts, that are actually very earthly, stop when Eddie joins me in the car taking the driver's seat, unlaced Chuck Taylors at his feet and towel temporarily resting on his knees as he's putting on a grey Dead Kennedys t-shirt. "You don't want to?"
"Huh? No, yes! Yeah, sure, I want to. I just, I don't want you to change your plans anyway..."
"No plans to change really, I didn't make plans for today" he reassures me as he towels off his hair some more.
"Are you sure?"
"Sure. But thank god you're here and now I've got one: you are my plan" he half pinches my cheek and throws the towel on the backseat, right before starting the car and leaving.

Wait until the music's over
FanfictionWait until the music's over is a story of love, secrets, regrets, what-ifs and of course... music! The story begins in 1990, when Angie Pacifico, a young film student, and wannabe screenwriter, moves from Idaho to the Emerald City. She meets a young...