32. Sirens and fish tanks (Pt.2)

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"It is the evening of the daa-aay"

A voice, quite different from Jagger's, but definitely as recognizable as his, sings the first words of the song that has just started. It was surely meant to surprise me, since he's basically blowing it into my ear, as he pinches my shoulders using his hands like lobster claws. The result is that I literally jump.

"Jesus, Eddie!" I exclaim

"I sit and watch the children plaa-aay" he goes on unabashed, although he stumbles on words a little by holding (barely) a laugh.

"Me too, I'm watching one right now, one who's playing" I retort as I look back at him in this surreal verbal crossfire.

"Smiling faces I can see" I am the one who's seeing his smiling face, the usual dimpled one. Mine must be pretty different, since he suddenly frowns, with a great timing, just in time to sing "But not for me"

"Hahahahaha" I burst out laughing at his face, as he finally lets go of me, so I can turn around completely to face him.

"I sit and watch as tears go by-yyy" Eddie falls down the armrest of a couch right behind him, drops his head and rubs both his eyes with his hands to wipe out imaginary tears.

"Have you ever considered a career in acting?" I ask handing him a small pack of Kleenex I promptly found in my bag.

"Actually, I have" I abruptly raises his head, showing a brand new smile, and taking one of the napkins, which he blows his nose into.

"Still ill? Or is it just an act to justify your poor performance on this song?"

"Poor?" he asks as one of his eyebrows pops up from behind the napkin, which is still pressed against his nose.

"Well, no, it was good, sure... but your big voice, I mean, I don't think it's exactly suited for a song like that, which in my opinion must be song with little more than a whisper" I correct myself, but not too much, because I wanna have some fun picking on him.

"My big voice is suited for anything, my dear" he remarks, standing up and folding his arms after putting the napking away in his pocket.

"Ok, sooo for your second album should I expect something like Eddie sings Bee Gees?" I joke folding my arms the same way and squinting at him.

"Listen, since you're in the mood for music discussions, come to discuss to with me in a most appropriate place..." Eddie gives me a mysterious smirk and grabs me from the wrist, walking towards the opposite corner of the wide basement.

"What? Where?" I talk to the back of his head, since he doesn't turn around. When we get close to the record player I understand it all.


"Look what I got as a present" he says pointing at the spinning record.

"Hot rocks, wow" I nod, then instinctively press my lips together, as if I was afraid something could slip out.

"Yes, wow"

"Great record"

"Yeah, great album indeed... and strangely enough it's exactly the same record I broke when I moved in here in Seattle"

"Ah. Ah! Yes, it's true!" I try my best playing the part of someone who doesn't have a clue on what he's talking about. I hope my interpretation is good.

"And, really oddly enough, nobody knew about that broken record... except for you" here are the folded arms again, and the scolding look.

I guess my interpretation sucked.

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