BONUS CHAPTER - Aesthetics

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Hi! Here's some nice faces I picked up to show you my original characters the way I see them. Of course they don't necessarily reflect your own mental images of them, that's why I'm here waiting for your comments and opinions about my choices! 

The roommate, friend and beauty expert we all wish we knew, Meg.

The roommate, friend and beauty expert we all wish we knew, Meg

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The first "villain" of the story, Violet.

The crazy sweet ever late colleague at Westlake minimart and Stone's girlfriend, Grace

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The crazy sweet ever late colleague at Westlake minimart and Stone's girlfriend, Grace.

The crazy sweet ever late colleague at Westlake minimart and Stone's girlfriend, Grace

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Jeff's girlfriend, a true natural beauty, Laura.

Villain number 2, the hot redhead bartender, Monica

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Villain number 2, the hot redhead bartender, Monica.

Villain number 2, the hot redhead bartender, Monica

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Mike's ex girlfriend, Melanie.

Mike's ex girlfriend, Melanie

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Angie's childhood bff, Dina.

Angie's mother, English woman in Idaho, Janis

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Angie's mother, English woman in Idaho, Janis.

Angie's dad, photographer and amateur musician, Ray

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Angie's dad, photographer and amateur musician, Ray. Does he remind you of somebody?

Finally her, my favourite victim, nerd's princess, also known as Sweetie and Kitten,  Jerry's ex and Eddie's girlfriend, Angie

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Finally her, my favourite victim, nerd's princess, also known as Sweetie and Kitten,  Jerry's ex and Eddie's girlfriend, Angie. Let's pretend that Meg was responsible for her makeup, hair and outfits in these pictures... and that she probably had to tie her somehow so she wouldn't run away from the camera 😂

What do you think about these faces? Of course they're not 100% true representations of what's going on in my mind when I write about them but they're pretty close

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What do you think about these faces? Of course they're not 100% true representations of what's going on in my mind when I write about them but they're pretty close. Is there someone I didn't mention that you'd like to see from my point of view? This bonus chapter will be constantly updated to add all the other characters in the story.

Thank you and see you on the next chapter!

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