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Cloudstar sat watching out into his clan as the night settled and crickets chirped.

"Cloudstar." A soft meow sounded Behind him. Cloudstar didn't move but only flicked his tail and a ginger she-cat sat beside him, looking out into the peaceful night. He could see her green eyes flash in the light of the moon.

"You haven't spoken all day." She whispered.

Cloudstar blinked slowly at his mate. "I had a dream from Starclan."

The ginger she-cat flinched and her ears laid back. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"I didn't want it to trouble you." He spoke softly.

She didn't speak for a while.

"Sandfall," he turned to her. "Do you think Leafclan will die because of me?"

Sandfall blinked, pity, anger, disappointment and shock on her face. "Absolutely not! You are the best cat to lead this clan and Reedstar choose very wisely." She gave him a lick.

Cloudstar sighed and lifted his head. "I'm afraid he didn't."

The Forgotton Clans~Silver HavocWhere stories live. Discover now