Chapter 18

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First thing she knew when she awoke was Halfpaw prodding her in the side. "Get up, Leafclan cat." He hissed.

"She has a name." Willowpaw growled, already up, all the apprentices looking at them, deep inside they were all hoping for another fight.

"I don't care." He grunted, leaping over Silverpaw to reach the exit.

Willowpaw stepped in front of him. "We are guest in you clan and maybe you should treat us with a little respect!"

"I care a mouse's tail for you and your clan." He spat and pushed her aside and leaped out.

Willowpaw mumbled through her teeth and stepped forward to follow him but Silverpaw touched her lightly on the flank. "He's not worth it."

The apprentices nodded and leaped out.

Silverpaw was greeted by the sun. She was used to the leaves in the forest to block out the sun's harmful rays but in Sunclan, there was not a tree in sight.

Rosepoppy met them at Goldenstar's den. "We will take a few cats to Bayclan."

Silverpaw nodded and went with Fernpaw and Snailpaw to wait for her by the exit. The deputy returned with several cats behind her, including Goldenstar.

"Rosepoppy, Hailpounce, Brambleflash, Pigeonnight, Robinfeather, Littlesea, Dawnfern, Snailpaw, and Fernpaw will come with you." Goldenstar meowed.

Silverpaw and Willowpaw glanced at each other. Were they leading this patrol?

Rosepoppy stepped forward. "Thank you, Goldenstar. Hopefully, we will return before tomorrow."

Goldenstar nodded and looked at Willowpaw and Silverpaw before walking away from them with his tail high.

She saw Fernpaw fall into a steady trot beside Brambleflash and her heart ached for her mentor and father. She desperately wished things would be the same and she could still going to be trained to become the best warrior ever.

Rosepoppy yowled and gathered the cats together before leaping off, down the slope and running across the valley.

Brambleflash looked beside them. "We have to run fast across here. There are usually these huge animals called horses and sometimes they have Twolegs on their backs. They might catch us so we have to hurry." He waited as a few more cats bolted after Rosepoppy then he sprang forward, swiftly running across and reaching where the trees started to grow.

Silverpaw and Willowpaw watched them.

"Twolegs on animals?" Willowpaw snorted in laughter and waited. She bounded across, running with the other cats. She couldn't help notice how much she already looked like a Sunclan cat.

Silverpaw sighed and ran after her friend, feeling more than exposed in the field. Silverpaw stopped, huffing for breath at the other side.

Rosepoppy was on a tree, looking if she had everyone. "Let's move!" She meowed loudly.

The cats moved quickly with a purpose. Cats mumbled lowly, about what they were going to do, and how Bayclan would be like.

Silverpaw trailed behind, her tail dragging and her head down. She felt even further from Leafclan now. She remembered telling her father how she wanted to be leader. He believed her, and that she could do it. It was just a silly kit dream. All kits wanted to be leader! But it seemed hopeless now that she went against her leader's trust and did exactly what he told her not to do. And she dragged Willowpaw in it.

Willowpaw trotted beside her. "Hurry up, we are almost there! Why are you so behind?" She looked at Silverpaw and saw her glumly raise her head.

"Hey." She stopped her and looked, seeing if anyone could hear them. "We are so close. Don't give up now. I'm not sure what's wrong with you but we will be home soon, ok? We are going to get the others back and we will go away from Sunclan." Her tone was surprisingly soft and kind.

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