Chapter 4

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"Wait...!" Spiderpaw yowled.

Silverpaw pounced at the flower, shredding it to pieces. Her purred with delight. "Great job, Silverkit!"

Silverkit looked at the mess. "Be my mentor!" She squeaked.

Spiderpaw shook his head. "I'm too young."

Silverkit groaned in disappointment.

"But when you become an apprentice, we can train together." He swayed his tail, thinking.

Silverkit smiled in joy. "That be AWESOME!"

Spiderpaw smiled and flicked her shoulder with his tail. "Let's go."

On their way back, the grass parted and Aspenlight, Brownlight, And Willowpaw came out.

Willowpaw glared at Silverkit. She had a glimmer in her eye as the warriors looked at them.

"What are you doing here?" Aspenlight demanded.

"What are you doing here?" Silverkit snapped back.

Willowpaw stepped forward. "Brownstep and I came to train." She sneered.

"I came to look for you." Aspenlight hissed, looking at Spiderpaw. "You left during an apprentice ceremony. What were you doing and what were you thinking?!"

Spiderpaw lowered his head and he stared at the ground.

"Get back to camp, both of you!" Aspenlight hissed.

Silverkit never liked Aspenlight. The red she-Cat was very bad tempered. Spiderpaw must be the best cat in the clan. Aspenlight was so rough and strict that there was no room for failure.

Aspenlight led the way, Spiderpaw and Silverkit trailing behind, Willowpaw and Brownstep stayed to practice.

Silverpaw could feel Willowpaw's smile.

They were in big trouble.

When they went in camp, eyes stared at them. Cats whispered about them as Cloudstar watched from his den.

Silverkit swallowed hard and she felt her pelt lightly brush Spiderpaw's

Cloudstar flicked his tail and they both walked into his den, Aspenlight following.

Cloudstar sat down.

Silverkit sat down, Spiderpaw beside her. Aspenlight got comfortable beside Cloudstar.

"Silverkit, Spiderpaw." He began. "Why did you leave at the ceremony?"

None answered but looked down in shame.

"That shows high levels of disrespect to your clan mates." He hissed. Silverkit saw Aspenlight's tail twitching as if she wanted to yowl at them right then and there.

Aspenlight was Jumpinglight's sister. She felt really disrespected. Especially from her own apprentice.

"Sorry." Spiderpaw mumbled.

"Now show you are." Cloudstar rose up and pointed out his den with his muzzle. "Spiderpaw, you will not train for five days and not leave camp. You will stay and help the elders. Nothing else."

Spiderpaw flinched. "It was just a little ceremony!" He hissed.

"That is high level of disrespect!" Aspenlight leaped up.

Silverkit knew it was her fault. If she hadn't have left in the first place, he would have never followed her.

"Don't think I forgot about you." Cloudstar glared at her.

Her heat dropped.

"You will not leave the nursery. You will stay in there until I release you." He said.

"What!" She yowled. "Not fair!"

Cloudstar and Aspenlight glared at her.

"You earned it." Aspenlight spat.

Silverkit scraped the ground and looked away.

Spiderpaw didn't look up either.

Cloudstar stared at them for a moment them flicked his tail. "Start your punishment now."

Aspenlight lead them out the den and Spiderpaw didn't look at her but walked towards the elders den. Silverkit felt sad. He was in trouble and it was her fault. Was he mad at her?

Aspenlight dropped Silverkit in the nursery and explained what happened to her mother. Her mother was disappointed and she looked hurt.

Silverkit really didn't like Aspenlight.

Lavenderflame didn't talk at all that night. What was she thinking? Did Cloudstar tell Stormfire?

She shook her head and fell asleep in the sunny afternoon, where she could be playing.

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