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Skypaw woke with a gasp.

The calico she-cat beside her leaped up, hissing with alarm. "What in the name of Starclan?!" She hissed. "Skypaw, it's in the middle of the night! What's the matter?"

"Er...Sandflame's kits?" She mummbled.

Mothberry twitched her tail. "Well if your so worried, go check on them." She mumbled and curled back up.

Skypaw padded, wide awake now, towards the nursery with her heart pounding. A soft voice was coming from inside and she remembered the nursery was completely empty. But now Sandflame had Cloudstar's kits, the clan could grow back after the battle.

Skypaw stuck here head in and saw Sandflame singing softly to her three kits, Cloudstar beside her, snoring softly. She looked up and saw Skypaw, her eyes glazed with exhaustion. "Come in!" She purred.

Skypaw walked in slowly, looking at them. It almost made her regret being medicine cat. Her heart ached for a mate and kits but it already remained as a medicine cat. She nodded her head and looked down. There was a light tabby, a cream, and a orange tabby kit."How are you doing, Sandflame?"

"I'm fine." She purred. "Cloudstar wanted to sleep with me tonight."

"That's perfectly fine." Skypaw bent down and looked at the kits. "Have you named them yet?"

She nodded proudly. "The brown tabby is Robinkit, the cream is Flintkit, and the orange one is Beekit."

"Beautiful." Skypaw purred.

Heartbeats passed, and Sandflame looked at her. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, just checking my on you..." she mumbled.

"I'm fine, Skypaw." She smiled.

Skypaw nodded and walked out, her head twirling.

"Oh, Silverpaw!" Sandflame whispered.

Skypaw turned back.

"I hope you find your sisters."she paused. "Both of them."

Skypaw nodded thankfully and disappeared back in the den. She plopped down and sighed. No one could know about her dream yet. Not even Mothberry and Cloudstar. Starclan had to send another sign to make sure that this detestation was really coming.

The Forgotton Clans~Silver HavocWhere stories live. Discover now