Chapter 5

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Many long agonizing days passed when Cloudstar leaped in the den.

Silverkit was rolling a moss ball around with her claw. She looked at her leader, and had not a scrap of respect at all towards him.

He looked softly at her. "Silverkit."

Dovekit and Skykit were so bored now that Willowpaw and Skypaw left. Now they were bright-eyed as they watched Cloudstar with wonder. They actually looked interested. They haven't looked that way ever since Jumpinglight's kits left.

Silverkit looked up, uninterested.

"You can be released from the nursery." He said, without emotion.

Silverkit nodded, although she was excited and she couldn't wait to see Spiderpaw again.

"Cool." That was the only thing she could say.

Cloudstar lowered his ears in confusion.

He cleared his throat and looked over at Lavenderflame who was calmly licking her chest. "I think that it's time to become an apprentice."

Silverkit's face lit up and she couldn't help but smile.

She could've swore that she saw a small smile on his face. He whipped around and leaped out before she could be sure.

Silverkit looked at Lavenderflame. She smiled and she hoped she forgave her.

She ran over to her sisters and bounced up and down. "We're gonna Be apprentices!"

"We can see Willowpaw again!" Skykit meowed happily.

"And Branchpaw!" Dovekit added.

"And Flamepaw!" They both sighed in unison.

Silverkit was happy for a second then she felt disgust towards her littermates. Really? Flamepaw? THATS THE BEST THEY COULD DO?!

Silverkit snorted then fought about what she'd say to Spiderpaw.

"Hey, Spiderpaw!" She whispered to herself. "I'm sorry for getting you in trouble! I didn't mean to, please forgive me. I hope we can still train and hunt together! I should've said something!"

Silverkit shook her head. Too desperate.

"Hey Spiderpaw, I got you in trouble but suck it up. Life isn't over."

Too rude.

Her tail dropped. What if Spiderpaw never forgave her?

"Stop worrying."

Silverkit turned to see Dovekit. They always got mixed up. They looked so much alike.

"What?" Silverkit asked, assuming she was talking about the ceremony.

"Spiderpaw." She said softly.

Silverkit felt her ears go back. "W-what do you mean?"

"I know you were sad about something. And I heard you just now. Go talk to him." She flicked her tail. "At the ceremony"

Silverkit felt embarrassed. "Fine." She brushed past her sister, feeling mad at her for being in her business. But felt good cause she cared.

They finally heard Cloudstar's voice.

Lavenderflame helped them out the nursery and they scampered forward to listen.

"Silverkit, Dovekit, And Skykit." He said.

The girls ran forward and made their way to the rock. Silverkit felt a little uneasy as she glared nervously back at the cats gathered, staring at them.

But one of these cats was Spiderpaw. At least she hoped. She hoped he didn't want to come and stayed away. He couldn't do that. Could he?

"Silverkit, you have reached the age of six moons and now till you receive your warrior name, you will be named Silverpaw and your mentor will be..."

The world seemed to stop and she waited for her mentor. The one who will train her and would make her the best warrior ever.

"Stormfire." He said.

Silverpaw held back a yowl of joy. The deputy of the clan! Her father! She would train to become the best warrior. And they could spend more time together.

"Dovekit, you have reached the age of six moons and now till you receive your warrior name, you will be named Dovepaw and your mentor will be me." Cloudstar smiled.

Silverpaw felt a massive claw of jealousy. The deputy wasn't good enough. Her sister got the leader!

Silverpaw hissed silently.

"Skykit has been talking to me and she has decided to become a medicine cat." Mothberry stepped forward and touched her nose.

Skykit—Skypaw was a medicine cat?!

"Congratulations you three. And Lavenderflame will no longer be a Queen." They each licked his shoulder in respect and he dismissed them after the clan said their names.

They bounded down and Silverpaw touched their noses, couldn't help but feeling pride for all of them.

"Silverkit! I mean Silverpaw!" Dovekit said. "Go!" She hissed throughly her teeth.

Silverpaw nodded and bolted into the crowd, cats moving and scrambling around. She slipped through and searched for the grey and black apprentice.

She locked eyes with amber eyes.

Through all the moving fur, she saw Spiderpaw looking at her.

She carefully walked forward and Silverpaw saw everyone return to their duties.

She stopped in front of him.

"I'm sorry." They said in unison.

They looked at each other wided-eyed.

"For what? You didn't do anything." Silverpaw said.

"I should've told you to go back. I should've never took you hunting...err practicing."

Silverpaw purred. "It wasn't your fault if you hadn't followed me...and me not leaving." She smiled.

But he didn't smile back.

"Spiderpaw." She stepped forward. "Please don't be mad at me. I want to be friends."

He looked at her. "I want to be friends too."

"Then why are you upset?" She asked.

He swayed his tail. "I'm not." He turned and walked away.

Silverpaw was excited to be an apprentice. She was kinda happy for her sisters and she was happy to train under her father, the deputy. But all that faded away went she saw Spiderpaw Leave.

She was sad. She really wanted him to forgive her.

An urge pulled her to him.

It wasn't love. Was it?


Sooo what do u guys think about Spider and Silver?

Honestly I'm not sure...


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