Chapter 7

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Silverpaw stalked the bird, her father was watching from a distance.

Was he watching? Or did he leave from bordem?

Silver paw creeped forward and pounced. The sparrow shrieked and flapped.

Silverpaw reached for it, clawing it down.

The bird fell to the ground, flapping and cawing like mad.

Silverpaw drew back her paw. Did she really eat that?it was so ugly and desperate.

"Great job, dearest! Kill it!" Her father leaped from the bushes, running forward. "Hurry!"

Silverpaw snapped its tiny neck, killing it.

"Great job! I so proud." He licked her head. "But next time, try to pounce on it, and kill it. Don't bring it down THEN kill it. Kill it right away. Also work on your pouncing. It was really lazy and sloppy. You could've fell and scared it away. You're lucky I was here. I don't think you've caught it if I was here."

Silverpaw's heart sank to the ground.

"Want me to tell you about the time where— sweetheart? Where are you going?"

Silverpaw was walking away, her tail dragging on the ground behind her, her ears flat on her head, hissing. She sat down at the stream.

She closed her eyes as he ran to her side.

"Love, what's the matter?" He asked, wrapping her tail around her.

"Nothing." She said through gritted teeth.

Stormfire looked down doubtfully.

"Let's go back to camp, shall we." He asked softly.

Silverpaw nodded without looking up.


Silverpaw laid in her nest in the apprentice den.

She new she wasn't supposed to here. She was supposed to be hunting or at least helping the elders.

She snuck in and plopped in her nest, hoping no one saw her.

Silverpaw successfully did it but she want to sleep. Like in the nursery.

Silverpaw eventually dozed away.

"Silverpaw." A deep voice grumbled.

"Silverpaw!" He said agin louder.

Silverpaw looked up to see Cloudstar looking down at her in disappointment.

She leaped to her paws. She looked at him and she turned to see Willowpaw.

"Cloudstar." She bowed slightly.

He didn't flinch.

Silverpaw nodded and lowered her head.

"With every action, there is a consequence." He hissed.

Silverpaw stared at the floor. She swallowed and got ready for what was coming next.

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