Chapter 14

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"Can you go to sleep?" Willowpaw hissed.

Silverpaw looked at her, too much joy and happiness to be annoyed at her right now."I saw my parents!"

Willowpaw looked sad and she looked down, avoiding her gaze. Silverpaw wondered if she wished the ones she lost could visit her also.

"I'm sure it was a dream. Or you're lying." She hissed and turned around, closing her eyes.

Silverpaw thought for a moment. "Willowpaw?"

Willowpaw turned to her, her claws digging in her nest.

"I want to be friends." Silverpaw swallowed.

Willowpaw glared at her and turned away from her.

"Every time I try, you ignore me." Silverpaw went on. "I'm sorry about when we were kits, but seriously? You're still not letting that go?"

Willowpaw didn't reply. Her belly rose slowly as she pretended to be sleep.

"I hope you can think about it. We are the only apprentices after all..." Silverpaw settled in and heard Willowpaw leap up with anger, her pelt bristling. "Branchpaw, and Flamepaw are alive! So is Dovepaw." She spat. "Don't say that they are dead, cause they're not!"

She could see her eyes watering and her claws dug into the soft earth.

Silverpaw looked at her and lowered her head. "you're right, they are alive."

Willowpaw still stared at her.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to ask Cloudstar if I can go to the other clans and I'm going to find them."

"Then I'm coming with you." Willowpaw frowned determinedly.

Willowpaw's mentor stuck her head in the apprentice den and looked at them. "You two are making so much noise! Go to sleep!" She hissed.

"Sorry Brownstep." They Said in unison and settled back in their nest. Brownstep glared at them one last time before padding off, sleepily.


The sun was high in the sky and she, Spiderclaw, Willowpaw, And Brownstep had a successful hunt.

Silverpaw bounded up the rocks to Cloudstar's den and called his name.

"Come in." He wheezed.

Silverpaw slowly stepped in, looking at him. He was stretched out in his nest, still very injured from the battle. And the new deputy, Aspenlight was sitting beside him.

She glared at Spiderclaw's former mentor, taking her father's place.

"Silverpaw." He smiled, patches of fur were missing and his scars were visible.

"I've come to ask a favor." Silverpaw dipped her head.

"Make it quick, kid. He lost three lives at the battle and still has to rest." Aspenlight mumbled.

Silverpaw wanted to hiss at her because her tone towards her, but she stopped when she heard three lives.

"Three lives?! Cloudstar—"

"I'm fine, Silverpaw." He coughed and looked angrily at Aspenlight. "Matter of fact, please leave us alone."

Aspenlight looked at Silverpaw.

"You, Aspenlight." Cloudstar meowed crossly.

Aspenlight hissed silently and stormed out.

"Sit, Silverpaw." He flicked his tail in front of him.

She padded up and sat in front of him.

"I never wanted to make her deputy. I had to hurry and there was no other cat that had the qualities." He wondered off.

"I came to talk about something else." Silverpaw wanted to stop talking about being depty because it reminded her of Stormfire.

Cloudstar flicked his ears in attention.

"Lavenderflame and Stormfire visited me in my dream last night. They said that my sister was alive. I want to go to the other clans and demand where they took her and he others."

Cloudstar looked at her, fear draining his face. "You are a 'Silver Havoc'." He said in a voice showing that he didn't believe in it.

"Yes, but I want my sister and the other cats back. Maybe I can convince them that the Silver Havoc isn't real." She explained.

"No, Silverpaw."

"I have to try!"

"How is training going?" He switched subject.

"Please, Cloudstar!"

"No!" He yowled, whipping around to face her, his eyes blazing with anger. "I said no."

Silverpaw dug her claws into the soft dirt and hissed silently. "Fine." She turned and padded out with her tail and chin high in the air.

"Don't get any ideas!" Cloudstar yowled after her and she pretended not to hear.

When she walked out, every cat's eyes were staring at her. Confused looks brought on their faces and they whispered to one another.

"What is the name of Starclan happened?" Skypaw bounded to her.

"I had a request and we didn't agree." She hissed.

"Well you can't go against him." She shrugged.

"I wasn't!" She complained, anger burning inside her.

Skypaw flicked her tail on her shoulder. "Be careful, Silverpaw. Okay?"

Silverpaw rolled her eyes and padded to Willowpaw. She had a starling in her jaw and a mouse under her paw. She slid the mouse to her and took at bite of the bird. "What happened?"

Silverpaw took a bite. "He didn't agree."

Willowpaw flicked her tail, angrily.

"But we're still going." Silverpaw mumbled.

"What?!" She yelped.

Silverpaw nodded. "I don't care if you tell or not, I'm going to save my sister."

Willowpaw looked hurt for a moment. "I would never! I want to save my brother and sister as well." She whispered. "I also want to avenge my mother and father's death."

Silverpaw looked at her. "Me too."

"So went do we leave? And what's the plan?" Willowpaw swatted the starling's remained to the side.

"We leave tonight. And we head to... Sunclan first."

"There will be cats guarding the entrance. We can't get by without them noticing." Willowpaw commented.

"There is a secret exit in the nursery." Silverpaw meowed.

Willowpaw flicked her ear. "Why Sunclan first?"

"Because, they didn't attack and Maybe we can get help from them."

"Goldenstar will probably want a favor from Leafclan." She warned.

Silverpaw hadn't thought about that. "Well..."

"It's fine." Willowpaw flicked her tail over her mouth. "We're going tonight."

Silverpaw nodded and stood up.

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