Chapter 20

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Silverpaw struggled in the water. The water turned brown as the mud floated off her. It was a stupid disguise anyway. It didn't fool anyone.

If she rose out the water now, she would let everyone down. Even Sunclan. She dared not to even open her eyes or go up to breathe. She was still frozen from shock and hurt of how evil Bayclan was.

Shadows looked over the pool as cats waited for her to resurface. She ran out of oxygen and she burst out the surface, immediately hearing battle sounds. Cats yowled with rage and there was a fight.

"Well, a Silver Havoc!" Wavestar was waiting for her, beside to pool.

"Silverpaw!" A voice yelled. "Run!"

Wavestar looked at the coughing wet apprentice. "Your not from Sunclan." She hissed stepping in front of her. "The Silver Havoc! Your name says it all! Did you think I was stupid?!" She hissed.

Silverpaw's lungs hurt from holding her breath for a long time. She coughed as Wavestar grabbed her scruff and dragged her roughly across the battling cats and outside.

"Now your going to watch." Wavestar hissed in her ear.

Silverpaw wanted to ask "watch what?" But Wavestar sat beside her, flicking her tail.

Silverpaw closed her eyes, waiting as time passed, not wanting to open her eyes as yowls of fear sounded and water gently lapped at her hind legs and tail.

Silverpaw opened her eyes and yowled with shock. The Bayclan cats managed to get all the Sunclan patrol up to the highest point of the cliff.

"This, Silverpaw, is the High Point. We dropped cats from it that deserve to die. And all of these cats deserve to die for lying to me!" She hissed.

"No!" Silverpaw yowled, failing to throw herself at Wavestar. "You are cruel!"

"Don't worry, sweetie, you're next." She purred.

Silverpaw rose to her paws but Wavestar leaped on top of her, pinning her down. Silverpaw turned her head and saw the first cat fall.

Littlesea's limp, bloodied body hit the ground in front of them, landing awkwardly. His eyes stared blankly forever.

"No!" Silverpaw yowled, tears running down her face into the sand.

After Littlesea, was Hailpounce and Snailpaw.

Silverpaw looked at Fernpaw's friend. It was all her fault. The apprentice, her age, was dead. And the same was going to happen to her.

Dawnfern was next. She fell struggling with a yowl and ended quickly.

Silverpaw closed her eyes but heard Rosepoppy's yowl. Silverpaw looked up and saw the deputy fall. The world seemed to go in slow motion and Silverpaw kicked with all her might, sending Wavestar tumbling back.

Silverpaw ran forward, and skidded to a halt as Rosepoppy's body hit the sand below her, showering her with sand.

Silverpaw sobbed into her pelt and thought about how much she did for her and what Goldenstar was going to say.

Willowpaw's yowl sounded and Wavestar roared with anger as more bodies plopped behind her and Silverpaw tore away from Rosepoppy's body and saw unfamiliar pelts fall.

The Sunclan cats, plus Willowpaw knocked the Bayclan cats down, over powering them.

Silverpaw looked at Wavestar, blinking in shock as she dodged the bodies of her own cats. Silverpaw bolted to the side, a quickly leaped up to rocks, Wavestar hissing behind.

The last Bayclan cat was knocked off the cliff, and the Sunclan cats whipped to Wavestar who was flanking behind Silverpaw, her ears flat with hatred and rage.

Silverpaw dashed straight for the cliff and ducked as Wavestar tried to pounce on her. Wavestar let out a yowl and dug her claws into her back, sending her scraping over the High Point.

Fernpaw leaped batting Wavestar across the face and Wavestar released Silverpaw and fell. Silverpaw looked back, her claw frantically scrambling at the surface and Brambleflash grabbed her scruff, hauling her up, huffing.

Silverpaw felt blood trickle down her side from Wavestar's fierce grip.

"Patchstar's vision." Fernpaw mumbled.

"What?" Willowpaw breathed.

"The cats falling...and Silverpaw was there. She didn't cause it though..." she dare not look over the cliff at their fallen clanmates.

Silverpaw swallowed. Fernpaw was right, Patchstar's vision came true. It still didn't make complete since.

Exhaustion and weakness overwhelmed Silverpaw and she collapsed, taking one last look around. Only Brambleflash, Robinfeather, Pigeonnight, and Fernpaw survived.

The large brown tabby's eyes glazed over the cliff and stared down. He must have lost someone.

Guilt flowed through her. Her head plopped down, closing her eyes. "Not now, Silverpaw. Wavestar will regain her life back. We must hurry." Robinfeather said, letting her lean on her shoulder, Willowpaw supporting her on the other side.

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