Chapter 17

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The holes in the roof provided light as Weaselbreeze examined them. MANY heartbeats pasted and the sun was starting to set.

Rosepoppy was in there, while Goldenstar did something else.

She finally looked up and sighed. "Will you be returning to your clan anytime soon?"

Silverpaw finally could stop thinking of how she sounded. Her voice carried softly to she with no hesitation and she spoke with pride.

"No." Willowpaw answered:

Rosepoppy dipped her head. "Are they okay, Weaselbreeze?"

He dipped his head. "They will be."

"Can they sleep in the apprentice den tonight?" The deputy asked.

He dipped his head politely.

She nodded and flicked her tail at them and the rose steadily to their paws and followed her out.

She lead them across the large camp and leaped down another hole. There were four moss bedding and two were occupied by Fernpaw and a small black and white tom that looked like Littlesea.

"Fernpaw and Snailpaw, would you please fetch bedding for these two?" Rosepoppy asked.

They nodded and raced out.

Moments later they returned and placed down their bedding, while Rosepoppy left.

Willowpaw thanked them and plopped in her nest with a sigh. Silverpaw curled up and wondered what was her clan doing right now. Did they miss her? Were they looking? Was Cloudstar worried? They were the only apprentices and of course someone would eventually notice that all their apprentices were gone. Right?

Halfpaw leaped in with a mouse and an orange cat behind him. He stopped abruptly and glared at the cats, dropping his mouse."Why are they here?"

The orange cat looked at them quietly. But dipped her head in greeting.

"Let's go Foxpaw." He hissed and turned to leap out the den.

"Get back here, Halfpaw." She hissed and nudged him to his nest. "You have to excuse my brother. He thinks he's deputy."

"Shut up, Foxpaw. I don't." He hissed and glared at Willowpaw. "Why are you so close?"

"Don't blame me!" She hissed right back.

"Well your right there and you seem pretty if you did this on purpose!" He snapped back.

"And you think I know where you sleep? Better yet, I care?"

"Well, you seem like it now!"

"Go away! I'm trying to sleep."

"You go away! This isn't your clan! You can't just stroll in here!"

"Shut up! You should've been there to help us, and Maybe I wouldn't be here!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know!"

"I don't!"

"Maybe if you didn't steal—" Willowpaw was cut off from a yowl and Rosepoppy. She jumped in feriously. "Halfpaw!"

"What!?" He yowled innocently.

"Come." She hissed through gritted teeth and they disappears in the whole.

Silverpaw watched them leave and turned to Willowpaw to congratulate her on winning that battle but she was curled up with her tail on her nose, tears welling in her eyes.

Silverpaw decided not to say anything but wondered why she was sad. Mabye she was homesick too?

"It's ok." Foxpaw whispered. "I keep telling him his warrior name is going to be Halfheart."

All the apprentices laughed and curled up. "Hi, I'm Snailpaw." The black and white apprentice said.

"Hello, I'm Silverpaw" she purred.

"Go to sleep, guys." Pigeonnight stuck his head in.

Silverpaw curled up once again and her heart ached to go home. She missed Spiderclaw, and all her friends. She missed her other sister, Skypaw too. She sighed and closed her eyes.

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