Chapter 2

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Silverkit woke up the next morning by a light prob on her side

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Silverkit woke up the next morning by a light prob on her side. She turned and saw Flamekit looking at her.

"Hi Flamekit." She yawned.

"Guess what?!" He asked excitedly.

Silverkit blinked at him.

"Today is my apprenticeship!"

He whispered excitedly.

Silverkit felt jealously burn inside her. "Aaaannnndddd why are you telling me?" He hissed.

"So you can congratulate me." He beamed.

Silverkit clawed the ground, barley making a scratch. "You wake me up, in the middle of the night, tell me that it is your apprenticeship, and you want me to congratulate you?!"

In the darkness of night, she could see his green eyes fill with sorrow. Silverkit didn't feel bad for one second. He deserved it. But what if he was just as excited as she was?

Silverkit snorted and then noticed Flamekit's eyes weren't the only eyes staring at her. Lavenderflame and Jumpinglight were still sleep but all the girls were looking back at them.

A brown and white kit walked up to her. "What are you doing to Flamekit?" She demanded, clearly upset.

"Shut up, Willowkit. No one asked for your presence." Silverkit hissed, he fur standing up.

Willowkit flicked her tail. "I didn't know Cloudstar died." She said thoughtfully.

Fear shot through her. "Cloudstar's dead?" She scrabbled at the ground.

Willowkit smirked. "Yes he's dead, mouse-brain. Apparently he died and made you leader." She mocked. "'Cause I don't take orders from little kits." She hissed.

Silverkit hissed and leaped at Willowkit. She clawed her shoulder and she shriek in surprise.

Flamekit tried to drag her off but she refused to let go.

Willowkit screamed in pain as Silverkit bit on her ear.

Lavenderflame and Jumpinglight leaped to their paws and each dragged their kit away from one another.

Willowkit had a nick in her ear, shaped like a V.

Silverkit wanted to tear her ear right off. Even better, her head. Silverkit was still hissing and trying to jump on Willowkit. Lavenderflame has her behind her paws and would not let her go.

Willowkit was always mean to her. Willowkit always hit her and she would go tell her mother. Then she would said it was an accident.

Silverkit was furious. She hated life right now.

"Come with me." Lavenderflame grabbed her and leaped out the nursery, putting her down at her paws.

Silverkit was out the nursery!

But she had to follow her mother. Other eyes were burning into Silverkit's fur and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

They approached a small den made of rocks under a fallen tree.

"Stormfire." Lavenderflame softly whispered into the den.

A blue-gray tom walked out. He smiled when he saw then then his smile faded when he saw their faces.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Silverkit knew she was in trouble and he was her father. She didn't really remember him well. Lavenderflame said he had a very important job.

"She attacked Willowkit." She mumbled.

Stormfire's amber gaze looked at her. She immediately turned away, still furious at Willowkit.

"Come with me." Stormfire's voice was alarmingly clam.

Stormfire touched his mate's nose and lead Silverkit up to a ledge. She struggled climbing the rocks and her father didn't help her.

"I need help." She whinpered looking at the steep, tall rock that he leaped with ease up to.

Stormfire looked down at his daughter. "I know how you got out the nursery, Silverkit." He flicked his ear. "You are brilliant. Use that brain of yours."

Silverkit looked back and saw Lavenderflame looking worriedly at her. "Stormfire..."

"She will be fine." He cut her off. He looked at her. "I know you will."

Her father's determination lead her to forget all about Willowkit. All the bordem and life. She had one goal to accomplish now: getting up that rock.

She unsheathed her tiny claws and looked for cracks. She found one and put her hind paw into it. I'm coming father. She thought and kept climbing.

She reached the top of the rock and placed one paw on the smooth surface. So smooth that she slipped but caught herself and hauled herself up.

She looked at her father and he was beaming with pride. "That's my girl!" He purred deeply.

Silverkit puffed out her chest and sat beside him, looking into the clan.

"So, What do you want to be when you grow up?" He asked. Silverkit thought this was about Willowkit?

She answered confidently. "I want to be leader. The best leader the clans have ever seen." She smiled.

Stormfire blinked thoughtfully. "Leaders don't get into fights."

There it was. This was no longer a father-daughter moment. The world's problems crashed down on her.

It. Was. Her. Fault.

"I know." She said, a little annoyed than guilty.

Stormfire smiled. "I'm sure you'll be a great leader, Silverkit"

Silverkit smiled. Mabye life could go right and she had a purpose?

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