Chapter 11

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She blinked, looking at all the cats around her. We're some going to die?

Silverpaw had to find Cloudstar.

She sniffed the air but she only smelled blood,fear, and Treeclan, now flooding over with Waveclan.

She ran quickly toward the leaders den, dodging cats in her way. She ran up the rock stairs and looked around.

She was tackled by a grey apprentice and they tumbled down the rocks, pain hitting everywhere each time she hit a rock.

They laid there for a second and he got up pinning her down.

"Blackpaw!" He hissed.

His eyes wider and he yowled. " I found a Havoc!"

All eyes turned towards him and Silverpaw gasped.

A Havoc?

She kicked with all her might, slamming against the roach walls.

A cat hissed at her and most of the cats ran at her. She heard someone yell her name and she ran.

She leaped over a root and snuck under the brambles. She could hear cats hissing and trying to catch her.

She climbed a tree and scampered up its trunk. She yowled as claws dig into her back and she fell to the ground.

She whipped around to see a orange tom hissing. She swiped at his face but he dodged and pinned her.

He opened his mouth to alert the others but he yowled in pain as a familiar grey and black cat knocked him over, scraping his claws on his hind belly. He dug his claws in the orange tabby's shoulders and he rolled him off, running into the bushes.

"Silverpaw, run. They are still behind us." Spiderpaw nudged her running deeper into the woods.

"Kits!" Another familiar voice called.

They turned to see Stormfire.

"Follow me!" He said quickly and bolted, the two apprentices behind him.

He whipped to the fallen rocks. Up the hill, has a small den abandoned by the twolegs.

"Hide here here." He nudged a piece wood out of the way that lead inside the den.

Spiderpaw let Silverpaw in first followed by the deputy.

It was cozy inside but several patches in the roof caused the rain to drip into the place.

Stormfire lead them over under a wooden table near the wall.

"Stay here. I will bring the other 'Silver Havocs' to join you." He looked at Spiderpaw. "Please stay with her." He looked back at her. "I don't want anything happening to her."

Silverpaw looked at her father. "What are the Silver Havocs?"

"The destruction that you heard about at the gathering." He meowed.


"Cloudstar told me everything right before Treeclan attacked." He interrupted her.

Silverpaw looked down. "He really thinks it's me?"

Stormfire nodded. "He has his reasons." He paused. "I believe you are."

Silverpaw and Spiderpaw looked at him.

"You think I'm a Silver Havoc?"

"No." He smiled. "I believe you will bring peace in this chaos."

Silverpaw looked at him as the sun rose, shining in his eyes.

"Stay safe please." He touched her nose and nuzzled her cheek softly. "I love you."

Silverpaw watched her father disappear under the wooded board.

They waited for a moment and she turned to Spiderpaw. He nuzzled her and let her curl up, laying beside her.

"What happened at the gathering?" He whispered.

Silverpaw told him what happened. How the whole battle started.

Spiderpaw looked at her. "Your father was right. Youre not  the Silver Havoc. Your the Silver Peace." She let out a small laugh.

Silverpaw smiled weakly and snuggled closer to him, falling asleep, too much in her mind.

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