Chapter 8

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Silverpaw pulled a fat tick out Stonedrop's fur.

Silverpaw spent her entire day grumbling on how much she hated Cloudstar. She didn't realize it, but she must of said it out loud.

"Hate is a strong word." Her grandfather purred.

Silverpaw put her head down guilty. "I know."

"Who do you hate?" He asked softly.

She swallowed. Could she tell him? Would her grandfather tell Cloudstar and he'd just be stomping back to give her more consequences? Make her hate him more?

"No one." She reploed, searching his pelt again.

"Obviously it's someone." He chuckled.

Silverpaw didn't respond.

"Let me tell you a story then." He rasped.

"Do you remember the elder, Furrystorm?" He asked.

Silverpaw nodded pulling out another tick. "She was your mate."

"and your grandmother." Stone drop sighed. "I hated her at first. We fought and fought all the time. I told I hated her and she seemed...sad." He looked down. "I came and told her I was sorry and it turned out she always liked me."

Silverpaw gasped silently. Maybe Willowpaw actually likes her? "Cool." She purred.

Stormfire appeared at the den and touched his father's nose.

"Cloudstar asked for you." He told Silverpaw.

Silverpaw stalked to his den, walking in. He was curled up, looking at her with kind eyes.

So now he decides to be nice.

She hissed to her self.

"I'm a little worried about you." He said, watching her sit down.

Silverpaw hissed. "I bet." She saw her father sit in the corner of the den, watching.

Cloudstar rose to his paws and walked over to her. "I don't like your tone, Silverpaw."

Silverpaw swallowed all the things she wanted say to him.

Cloudstar stared into her eyes for a moment. "I want to take you to the gathering."

Silverpaw flattened her ears. "Ok..."

"I want you to see you can't do everything you want to do, and you can't speak your mind. Sometimes, have to keep it in and you can't just explore."

Silverpaw held back her comment. Her claws were out, digging in the sand below her.

"Tonight." He hissed then turned around then whispered something in Stormfire's ear. He looked at her and flattened his ears then got up.

"Come with me,."

Silverpaw followed after him, looking back one more time and she wondered if there was something Cloudstar wasn't telling them? What was he hiding?


Sorry this was kinda short.

Cloudstar is really weird. But you'll understand why.




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