Chapter 19

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Several cats stared into their pelts. Hissing came from about every cat that they started to sound like crickets. The whole cave glittered with water and their fresh-kill pile had a mixture of fish, crabs, birds, and other small animals. There was water dripping from pointed rocks into a small pool that a tabby finished drinking from.

The ginger cat leaped up and whispered something in the leader's ears. Her eyes scanned the group of cats and landed at Silverpaw. "Great Starclan!" She yowled and stood up. Cats moved out her way as she delicately stepped down and stood in front of Silverpaw. "What on earth happened to you? You are filthy! Did you bring in muddy paw prints?" She turned around looking at the exit to see.

Silverpaw squirmed unsettled in her place and took a step back for Wavestar to step forward and flick her with her tail. "Come wash up." She meowed, something edging behind her voice.

"No thank you." Rosepoppy blurted. "She doesn't want to."

Wavestar glanced at Rosepoppy. "The deputy of Sunclan!" Her tail shot straight up with delight.

Rosepoppy glared at her. "Wavestar, we have to talk."

"No, no!" She insisted. "Stay all you want! All of you! No time for talking." Wavestar glanced at Silverpaw before walking around the cats."Take her and her." She flicked her tail at Silverpaw and Willowpaw.

There suddenly was a furious hiss from Willowpaw as a cat tried to nudge her to the side. "I'm perfectly capable of walking myself!" She spat and the cat backed off.

A cat stepped forward to Silverpaw and she hissed at them. "Me too!"

The cats lead them to the side while Wavestar talked to Rosepoppy as if they were best friends.

Rosepoppy suddenly lost it and whipped to the leader of Bayclan. "Where did you put all the cats?"

Wavestar flinched, surprised. "Well we simply killed all out silver tabbies." She shrugged.

Silverpaw gasped quietly and shrunk to the ground.

Rosepoppy gasped and looked at her with horror. "Fox heart! You're so evil! T-that's insane!" She stuttered.

Wavestar licked a paw a drew it over her ear. "Mabye." She looked back at Silverpaw, and Willowpaw stepped in front of her, her ears flat with fear and anger as she growled. "But I did it to protect the clans. I was actually surprised Sunclan had no silver tabbies." She grunted, looking at Sunclan's deputy.

Rosepoppy's eyes were wild with fear and she was fluffed up, her teeth bared and claws scraping the ground. "I'm talking about the cats you stole. When you attacked Leafclan."

Wavestar blinked carelessly. "Gave them to Patchstar."

"No!" Silverpaw yowled swiping at her guard, leaping down and running across to stare at Wavestar, Willowpaw right behind.

"You took our littermates!" Willowpaw hissed.

Wavestar smiled. "Okay...."

"Ok!?" Willowpaw yowled with rage. "Just ok?!"

"Well yeah... you want a Silver Havoc—"

"Brownpaw and Flamepaw are not silver tabbies!" Willowpaw's fur bristled.

"Oh." Wavestar flicked her tail carelessly. "My mistake."

"What happened to Dovepaw!" Silverpaw demanded.

"Look, I demand things around here, not you, understand?" Wavestar started to get angry. She settled and looked at them. "What are your names?"

"Sil-Mudpaw." Silverpaw blurted.

"Silmudpaw?" Wavestar tilted her head.

"Just Mudpaw!" Brambleflash said quickly. "My apprentice." Fernpaw nodded frantically.

"A she-cat? Named Mudpaw?" Wavestar laughed and soon all Bayclan cats were laughing and Silverpaw looked down, afraid her embarrassment might melt the mud off her.

"Let us go." Willowpaw hissed.

Wavestar looked at her. "Ok, but first," she flicked her tail, signaling cats to pounce on every cat that wasn't Bayclan. There was only a few Sunclan cats and Bayclan was huge! Wavestar, of course, didn't care if she killed a few cats.

Willowpaw tried desperately to fight to get the cat off of her but he had her pinned down.

A large tom grabbed her scruff and dragged the struggling and hissing "Mudpaw" to the nearest pool of water and he tossed her in.

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