Chapter 3

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That evening, Silverkit woke up

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That evening, Silverkit woke up. Her two littermates, Dovekit and Skykit were standing above her. "Today is Flamekit's and Willowkit's and Branchkit's apprentice ceremony." Dovekit said

"I heard." She grumbled.

"Don't feel bad." Skykit nudged her.

"I don't." She replied but she was furious and jealous inside.

"Mother said we could come." Dovekit smiled.

Silverkit thought for a moment. "Fine." She said. This could be her chance to explore! She could go and explore the camp!

She couldn't wait.

Lavenderflame leaped in the den. "It's about time, kits." She purred.

Just at that moment, a yowl sounded by Cloudstar.

The kits leaped to their paws excitedly.

They ran over to her and Lavenderflame picked them up one by one and set them out the nursery. "Now stay close, kits." She demanded.

The kits nodded and Silverkit would have to follow her direction of or a little. Then she'll go.

Many cats poured out of dens and out a bushes. She looked over and caught sight of the gray and black tom.

Silverkit tried to run over to him. Surely he still remembered her?

"Silverkit!" Lavenderflame flicked her tail, tripping her with her tail. "I said stay close!"

Silverkit shook off her pelt, still looking at Spiderpaw.

Lavenderflame followed her gaze and saw Spiderpaw. Her face was full of emotions. "You're too young." She finally said.

"For what?" Silverkit looked at her mother with confusion.

Lavenderflame licked her paw and shook her head. "Never mind. Now sit down and pay attention."

Silverkit sat down beside her mother. She looked up at the clan leader, Cloudstar, looking over his clan.

"Flamekit, Willowkit, And Branchkit." He spoke.

Jumpinglight and Emberwhisker licked their kits as they smiled and bounded up the rocks to their leader.

Cloudstar looked down at them, purring. "Flamekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Flamepaw. Your mentor will be Larchdust. I hope Larchdust will pass down all he knows on to you."

Silverkit hissed silently to herself as Flamekit smiled with pride.

"Larchdust." Cloudstar said.

Larchdust bounded up beside his new apprentice.

"Larchdust, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Riverrun, and you have shown yourself to be hardworking and loyal. You will be the mentor of Flamepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him.

Larchdust touched Flamepaw's nose.

"Flamepaw! Flamepaw! Flamepaw!" The clan cheered except Silverkit.

Both of them walked down the rocks and sat together as Cloudstar continued.

"Willowkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it's time for you to be apprenticed. From this day in until you receive your warrior name, you will be named as Willowpaw. Your mentor will be Brownstep." He spoke. "Brownstep, you have ready to take on an apprentice. I expect you to pass everything you know to her."

Brownstep touched Willowpaw's nose and the clan cheered.

Cloudstar smiled again. "Branchkit, you will be known as Branchpaw and your father, Emberwhisker will mentor you."

Emberwhisker ran up to them and touch his kit's nose with pride and happiness.

"Tell her everything you know." Cloudstar said.

The clan cheered and said her name.

Cloudstar waited for them to leave then he looked at Jumpinglight. "Jumpinglight."

Jumping light walked forward and stood on the rock with him.

"You will now become a warrior once more, no longer a queen." He smiled and she licked her leader's shoulder respectfully.

While Lavenderflame stood up, yowling for her friend, Silverkit saw her opportunity. She bolted out the cane, slipping through the bushes.

She gasped and looked around. The world was so huge! Bigger than the nursery!

She pounced on a leaf and played with it. She figured her mother wouldn't mind. Besides, she didn't want to go to their stupid ceremony anyway.

Lavenderflame's litter wasn't that younger than Jumpinglight's. Mabye she could still train with Spiderpaw?

She walked to a tree and unsheathed her claws and started to try climbing. There was a rustle in the bushes and Silverkit whipped around and looked worriedly into the bushes. "Who's there?" She squeaked.

A gray and black cat slipped out, his amber eyes wide with concern. He wasn't THAT much older than her.

"Spiderpaw!" She smiled and bounded to him.

He looked at her.

"You remember me right?" Silverkit smiled.

"Of course." He smiled then looked around. "Why are you here?"

"I didn't want to go to their stupid ceremony!" She spat.

To her surprise, he laughed. "I don't either but we have to."

"I'm not." She lifted her head.

He purred with amusement.

"Tech me hunting!" She blurted.

He looked at her. "It looks like you want to become an apprentice."

Silverkit looked down and licked her chest embarrassed. "I do."

He laughed and nudged her. "It's fine."

Silverkit bounded after him as they walked deeper in the forest. She really liked Spiderpaw. But not like her mother and father. She shivered thinking about her and Spiderpaw being mates. Gross! Love.

She smiled and they continued walking.

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