Chapter 10

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Cloudstar rushed his clan home. She wanted to speak to him but he was busy.

Silverpaw saw Willowpaw worriedly passing with her clan.

It was raining. Thunder, lightning.

Silverpaw heard when the clans argue during a gathering, Starclan gets angry and sends a storm.

Rain was soaking her fur and she didn't like it a bit.

She saw Willowpaw was scared. Was she scared of the rain or the silver cat?

She padded beside Willowpaw and meowed. "Hello"

Willowpaw ignored her.

"Are you worried? I am." She tried to be friends with her.

Willowpaw stayed silent and Silverpaw slowed down, watching her pad off.

"Silverpaw." Cloudstar meowed.

She forgot he was at the back. She turned around and water for a few more cats to pass then she trotted at his side.

"There is no time to stop. Hurry." He hissed.

"For what?" She asked him trying to match his pace.

He didn't answer but kept his eyes forward.

Silverpaw looked down and sped up.

They approached camp and she heard Cloudstar give a sigh of relief.


He immediately bounded up to the rocks and yowled.

Grumbling cats poured slowly out their dens, looking at him.

"Rippleshine, Pooldapple, Lavenderflame, Webpaw, Streampaw, Silverpaw, And Dovepaw." He eyes rapidly scanned the clan. "Hide near the Fallen Rocks. Pooldapple, lead them. Hurry!"

Silverpaw's feet moved before she told them. They carried her to Pooldapple who was leading the other called cats out of camp.

She just then realized that they were all silver cats.

"Cloudstar said hurry!" Pooldapple hissed to her.

Silverpaw ran after the others and found Dovepaw. She pressed against her cold fur. She was glad she was with her.

"What is this all about?" Dovepaw asked worriedly.

Silverpaw told her sister all about the gathering. About how all the cats blamed Cloudstar because he saw peace when the others saw chaos.

Dovepaw flicked her tail. "Cloudstar thinks it's you?"

"I think so." She replied.

Dovepaw paused before continuing. "Do you think it's you?"

Silverpaw froze. Did she? "What about you?" She asked.

Dovepaw didn't reply quickly. "No. It could be any cat. You're not the only silver cat in the world you know." There was an edge of jealousy in her voice. Was she jealous Cloudstar thought it was her?

Silverpaw padded along her sister. "Where's mom?"

Dovepaw pointed up front with her muzzle.

Silverpaw bounded to her mother, Dovepaw behind.

"Lavenderflame!" She nuzzled her.

Lavenderflame's gaze was stray ahead and she looked stressed.

"Lavenderflame?" She replied.

She didn't reply.

Silverpaw shot Dovepaw a worried glance and she shrugged.

"Mom?" Silverpaw squeaked.

Lavenderflame finally turned to her.

"Silverkit." She shook her head. "Silverpaw." She licked her head. "I'm sorry." She turned and purred at her out kit.

"Are you ok?" Dovepaw asked her.

"Of course, of course. I'm fine." She sighed and shook her wet pelt.

They shot each other a look again right before a shriek sounded.

Silverpaw's hair bristled and she ran forward, ignoring her sister and mothers call.

Stormfire never taught her hunting. He only taught her hunting techniques.

She didn't know how to fight but she was going to if she had to.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw Wavestar standing on a rock above, looking down at them.

She was in Leafclan territory!

She yowled and several cats rushed forward, leaping and hissing attacking the silver cats.

Wavestar is attacking?

Silverpaw though with dread.

Pooldapple let out a yowl.

She needs our help.

Silverpaw dashed forward and stopped suddenly. It was the whole clan. Wavestar had brought her entire clan. Except the kits elders.

Silverpaw jumped at a smaller warrior about her size. He hissed and knocked her off. There was no hope. There were only seven of them. There was no way the could win.

"Run! Back to camp! Tell Cloudstar!" Pooldapple yowled.

Silverpaw whipped around and shot through the woods. She was first. The fastest cat out of them all.

Then a Bayclan warrior paced beside her and hissed.

She flinched and ran faster, trying to beat the Bayclan warrior to her camp.

He laughed as he ran faster and out ran her.

"No!" She yowled and leaped on the brown tom, sending them tumbling in the dirt.

It took Silverpaw a moment to recover but when she saw other warriors not from her clan running past her, she leaped to her paws and ran with all her might.

She wasn't going to beat the other cats that had already passed her but she could try to save her clan from destruction.

She slowed down when she heard yowls of agony and fear as she drew close to her camp.


Again, her paws ran for her and she ran into her camp, shocked and in fear. She saw cats laying on the ground covered in blood. Many were yowling and hissing and clawing at each other.

All this violence over dreams that haven't even been proven.

The Forgotton Clans~Silver HavocWhere stories live. Discover now