Chapter 47

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Jungkook grabs a long stick and starts mapping out a plan in the dirt. "Some of us are going to need to get in the building. It shouldn't be too hard where theres only one soldier left guarding the place. We can easily take him out." Taehyung shakes his head. "Marcus isn't that much of an idiot. There may be one outside, but inside on the bottom floor, there's got to be about fifty guarding where marcus works." Jungkook studies his drawing again. "Okay, so we need to draw them out of the building to get to Marcus." "How about a bomb?" asks addi. Jin joins in. "That would be perfect, except we don't have any possible way to access any bombs." Addi slumps her shoulders and mumbles. "I wanted to blow something up." Jin pats her back reassuringly. I stare at the drawing in the dirt. "What about a smoke bomb? That'll have to draw them out." Addi perks up again and smiles. "Let's set off fireworks!" We nod in agreement. Namjoon and Karissa stand up. "We can drive to town to look for something." says Namjoon, grabbing a gun. They get in the truck and speed towards town and leave the rest of us to finish planning. "Alright," starts Taehyung. "So we'll get rid of the first guard, which will be the easiest part. Once were inside the building, we have to go downstairs, where we'll set off the smoke bomb. Everyone will go after the guards while Celeste and I find Marcus." "Then what?" asks Jungkook. Taehyung turns his focus to me. "Then we just go from there I guess" I say quietly. "Hold up!" says abbi quickly. "So you both are going after that frickin maniac with no idea what to do, and are risking your lives not knowing whether or not you'll survive!?" I look at the ground. "Pretty much.... But do any of us even know if we'll survive? It's all just a big game of risk from here on out." A few minutes later, Namjoon and Karissa get back with the bed of the truck filled with smoke bombs and fireworks. Karissa has a lighter in her hand. "Hopefully these will actually work. Let's get this show on the road." says Namjoon. We all get in the truck except for addi who's holding Von. "Count me out!" "What? Why?" asks Jin. "I'm not putting our baby in danger." Jin hops out. "I'm staying then." Addi shakes her head. "No. They need as much help as they can get. You have to go." "But... I don't want to lose you again." Addi sighs. "We'll be okay babe. Just come back safely, okay?" Jin nods as tears roll down his cheeks. Addi places a hand on the back of his head and kisses him. "Let's go Jin!" yells abbi. Jin kisses addi one more time before getting in the truck." We drive down a long dirt road in the direction the building. We got there shortly and climb out, then sneak over to the gate. We're shocked to find that the yard is completely filled with armed soldiers. "Go get the fireworks." says Yoongi to abbi and Jin. They jog back to the truck and begin grabbing armfuls of the smoke bombs and firework. They set them each up and then bring over guns and knives for each of us. Taehyung slips a dagger through his belt loop and I get my pistol ready. "Change of plans." says Taehyung. "You guys are going to set off everything while me and Celeste go around the back. Marcus is most likely alone in there. If you all survive the soldiers, get in the building and wait outside the door in case we need backup. If we all go in there, there's no saying what Marcus will do. He's the one with all the power in his hands. Is everyone ready?" Everyone gives unsure glances and nods slowly. Taehyung takes my hand in his. "Are you ready?" I shake my head. "I don't know Taehyung. What if something bad happens to us? What if we don't make it?" "I know everything will be okay." For some reason, I believe him. We run around to the other side of the building where there's another gate entrance. Pretty soon theres loud explosions and a cloud of smoke elevates. "Let's go." says Taehyung. I follow him closely through the gate and to the building. Muffled gunshots fill the air outside. My heart races with every shot heard, making me think of the worse that could be happening. We make our way down a flight of stairs and I stop halfway. Taehyung stops and turns to me. "You okay?" "I-I can't do this." He hurries to my and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Yes you can. We have to do this. His drug, will destroy the rest of the world including him. The effects are stronger and quicker. If we don't stop him, there will be no hope for humanity." He lifts my chin so I'm looking into his eyes. "Celeste, remember when I told you that I will never let anything happen to you? I stick to my word. I will put myself in danger before anything happens to you." "But what about the others? I don't want to lose anymore of them." Taehyung smirks. "Have you met them? They're fighters. They'll be okay." He pulls me into a long hug and I listen to his heartbeat. When we pull away he takes my hand and guides me down the stairs. The hall is dark except for a dim light seeping through the bottom of a door. Faint buzzing from machinery echos around us. "Get your gun out." whispers Taehyung. I do as he says and we step quietly towards the glowing door. Taehyung opens the door and I'm ready to shoot, but nobody's in there. We walk in and examine the room. There are glass bottles everywhere, the lights are low, a large machine is producing a white serum. It looks like a lab you'd see in movies. Taehyung picks up a syringe filled with the product. "This is it..." The door slams shut, making us whirl around to see Marcus smiling widely. "Welcome. Sorry about the mess. I wasn't expecting company."

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